
Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.
Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.


Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words of Latin and Greek origin: carbohydrate, type, plaque, periodontal, fluoride.

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary. Learn the following words:

dental health здоровье полости рта

to follow следить; следовать

to brush чистить щеткой

a toothbrush зубная щетка

a toothpaste зубная паста

to remove удалять, убирать

to bite кусать

a bite прикус

an overbite глубокий прикус;

верхнечелюстное зубное перекрытие

cross bite перекрестный прикус

a biting surface жевательная поверхность

to prevent предупреждать

prevention зд. профилактика

preventive measures профилактические меры

to consider считать, полагать

to consume потреблять

etc. = et cetera и т.д. (и так далее)

to improve улучшать(ся)

mouthwash, mouthrinse жидкость для полоскания рта

to floss прочищать флоссом starchy food, carbohydrate - пища, богатая углеводами containing foods

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text into Russian:


Dental health is an important part of total well-being. Nearly all dental diseases - tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease - are preventable. All you have to do is to follow these five steps to dental health:

1. Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly at least once a day. Toothbrushing is well-known to remove plaque from the outer, inner and biting surface of the teeth. Tooth decay and periodontal disease often start in those areas where a toothbrush cannot reach. Only flossing removes plaque from between the teeth and under the gumline.

2. Brush your teeth after meals when you can. Remember to brush gently with short strokes and enough pressure, changing the tooth brush position frequently.

3. Eat a balanced diet. Dietary habits and the patient's attitude to them are of prime importance since diet is one of the main factors in the development of the dental problems. The relationship between diet and dental health is considered to be very complex and involves many factors, such as the amount of carbohydrate containing foods (sugar and starchy foods) consumed, when and how often you eat, the types of food eaten, the period of time that food remains in the mouth, etc.

4. Use fluoride daily. Fluoride history is also of importance since the fluoride ion delays lesion progression. It is always wise to check that a fluoride toothpaste is used. Use a fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is known to combine with tooth enamel improving its resistance to decay. Recently fluoride mouthrinses and mouthwashes have become widely used. In addition to brushing and flossing these products can effectively help prevent tooth decay.

5. Visit your dentist for regular examination, professional cleaning of teeth and early identification and treatment of dental problems. Clinical examination is the most useful indicator of different diseases of the mouth cavity.


a stroke - зд. взмах, отдельное движение


Exercise 1. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

кариес, после еды, заболевание зубов, чистка зубов, зубной налет, десневая линия, сбалансированное питание, внешняя (внутренняя)

поверхность; пища, богатая углеводами; фторсодержащая зубная паста, устойчивость к кариесу, жидкость для полоскания рта, профилактика, раннее обнаружение заболевания.

Exercise 2. Find the antonyms in the text:

an inner surface, dental disease, non-preventable, long, finish, seldom, forget, simple, late, above.

Exercise 3. Say what parts of speech the following words belong to. Translate them:

prevention, preventable, daily, widely, gently, treatment, to treat, the toothbrushing, periodontal, to brush, identification, a mouthwash.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:

1. The removal of food particles helps ... tooth decay.

2. Dental caries now is a ... disease.

3. Children must be recommended . teeth after meals.

4. You must consult your dentist about ... you need.

5. Dental . that leads to tooth decay also causes (вызывает) periodontal

6. Thoroughly . and . your teeth each day and eat a . diet to keep your gums healthy.

7. Take your child to the dentist for regular ... .

8. In addition to the prevention of tooth......may also prevent calcium loss

from bones.

Exercise 5. Remember the word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own:

bacterial plaque - зубной налет dental plaque -»- calculus plaque - зубной камень subgingival plaque - поддесневая бляшка


Exercise 1. Read the text «Five Steps to Dental Health» and find sentences with the Complex Subject. Translate them into Russian.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Water fluoridation is considered to be a highly effective, easily applicable (применимый), safe and economical preventive measure.

2. The unremoved plaque is known to harden and collect under the gumline.

3. Plaque seems to build up faster and in larger amounts as we get older.

4. A strong body is known to depend on balanced nutrition and exercise.

5. Most types of dental diseases are likely to be treated by a general dentist.

6. Periodontal disease is reported to be the main cause of tooth loss in adults.

7. Soft tooth brushes are not likely to injure the gums.

8. Dental caries is thought to be a preventable disease nowadays.

9. The delegation of American dentists is reported to have arrived on Monday.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Как известно, чистка зубов фторсодержащей пастой является эффективным средством профилактики кариеса.

2. Известно, что регулярный осмотр полости рта стоматологом помогает предотвратить заболевания зубов и полости рта.

3. Неправильное питание матери, весьма вероятно, может являться причиной аномалий развития зубов ребенка.

4. Сообщается, что заседание комитета состоится (take place) в 16 часов.

5. Детям рекомендуется начинать чистить зубы после двух лет.

Exercise 4.

A. Find Past Participles used in postposition in point 3 of the text. Translate them into Russian.

B. Translate the sentences with Participle II in postposition:

1. With modern X -ray equipment the amount of radiation received is extremely small and the risk is negligible.

2. A diet recommended for children should contain daily consumption of bread, cereals, fruit and vegetables, milk and milk products, and meat.

3. The average weight of the children examined was 2,470 gr.

4. The tumours studied were visualised in all cases by both methods.

Exercise 5. In the text «Five Steps to Dental Health» find the verb« to have» used as: 1) an equivalent of «must», 2) an auxiliary verb in the Present Perfect Tense.

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to different meanings of since.

1. Many changes can be observed in the public health system of Russia since

the 1980s.

2. Dr. Grey has worked in this hospital since he came to live in this town.

3. Since we have no money, we can't buy the house now.

4. He went to Turkey in 1995 and has not been heard of ever since.

5. Since last seeing you I have been ill.

6. She had not been home since her marriage.

7. Since she is no longer working here, she cannot use the company's car.

8. You should talk to Helen since she is responsible for the project.

9. Since what time have you been working as a nurse here?

10. He will not be able to attend the conference next week, since he will be on holyday with his family.

11. His health has become much worse since he retired.

Exercise 7. Exercise 1. Read the following text and find all the sentences with modal verbs. Translate the text into Russian.


Must expresses a strong obligation, have to expresses a general obligation based on a law or a rule, should expresses advice, or a mild obligation. Can (could) and may, might are used to express degrees of probability.


Even though baby teeth fall out and are replaced by adult teeth, it is important that they be retained for the proper time and not prematurely lost. Early loss of baby teeth can effect the development of the adult teeth and may result in need for orthodontic treatment, as well as alteration of facial structures, speech and eating ability.

First teeth need regular cleaning in order to remove plaque, a sticky substance composed of bacteria and food debris. Plaque begins forming on the teeth as soon as they have erupted into the mouth. Bacteria in the plaque feed on sugars and produce acids. When food, containing sugar is eaten, some of it sticks to the plaque and is turned into acid by plaque bacteria. The acid forms within the plaque and dissolves the underlying enamel to produce caries.

It must be explained to expectant and nursing mothers that caries cannot be prevented if plaque is not thoroughly removed daily.

Before the teeth erupt, baby's gums should be wiped gently with a soft wet washcloth (салфетка из махровой ткани) once a day, preferably at bedtime. When the teeth start appearing, a washcloth should be used to clean them and then progress to a soft child's toothbrush.

Inappropriate feeding of children can lead to the type of caries called Baby Bottle Tooth Decay (early childhood caries). Infants should not be put to sleep with a bottle containing milk, juice or other sweetened liquid. Infants should start to supplement their diet with non liquids at 4-6 months of age. Oral hygiene should be started with eruption of the first primary tooth.


nursing mothers - кормящие матери


1. Answer the questions to the text «Five Steps to Dental Health»:

1. What does the text deal with?

2. Why is dental health so important?

3. Аге dental diseases preventable or not?

4. Why is it necessary to brush the teeth after meals?

5. What is the use of flossing?

6. How is it recommended to brush teeth?

7. Is it necessary to change the position of a toothbrush when brushing


8. How long does tooth brushing usually take?

9. What is the relationship between diet and dental health?

10. What factors are involved here?

11. Why is the intake of fluoride so important?

12. What are the 5 steps of tooth decay prevention?

13. Do you think it is important to see the dentist regularly? Why?

Exercise 2. Speak on the importance of the 5 steps of dental disease prevention.

Exercise 3. Read the text and try to answer the questions given after the text Entitle it.

How much does your health mean to you? Do you understand the importance of disease prevention? Everybody must remember: if you smoke, STOP. If you don't smoke, DON'T START. In addition to chronic bronchitis, emphysema, heart disease and lung cancer, there is also the risk of cancer developing in the throat and mouth. Nine thousand people die each year from oral cancer, and smokers have the risk of dying from oral cancer five times greater than non-smokers. It's a tragedy that can be prevented.

Alcohol consumption is also considered to be the risk factor for developing oral cancer.

In addition to these 2 definite risk factors - tobacco and alcohol - there are other risk factors. They include poor dental health, inadequate diet, geographic location and occupation. Men are more likely to develop oral cancer than women. The disease can involve lips, tongue, floor or roof of the mouth, the inner lining of the cheeks, gums and other intraoral tissues.

Many of these symptoms are painless and people ignore them. This is a serious mistake. The sooner the cancer is diagnosed, the sooner the treatment can begin. Early detection of oral cancer makes successful treatment possible.

Questions to be answered:

1. Can cancer be prevented?

2. What risk factors are mentioned here?

3. Why is smoking so dangerous?

4. Do many people die of oral cancer?

5. Who are more likely to develop oral cancer: men or women?

6. What organs does the disease involve?

7. Are the symptoms painful?

8. What makes successful treatment possible?

Exercise 4. Read the text and discuss it.


Generally speaking a diet adequate for normal growth and development of the body is adequate for building and maintaining the health of the teeth and their supporting structures.

Calcium is essential for the development of teeth, and it is during the years the enamel is forming that this element is so important. The enamel begins to develop about five months before birth and is usually completed by eight years except for the wisdom teeth, crowns of which are completed between 12 and 16 years of age. An inadequate supply of calcium during these years may result in poorly formed teeth.

Once the teeth are completely formed and calcified and have erupted in the mouth, no more calcium is necessary for their growth. Calcium will, however, be needed throughout the whole life since it is essential to the body for other reasons, one being the development and maintenance of the bones.

The health of the teeth and gums would benefit if people ate fewer highly cooked, refined foods and ate more of the granular, fibrous foods. Soft foods

often impact between the teeth and cling to their surfaces, whereas the coarse foods tend to brush off and clean the teeth. Chewing coarse foods also will cause the teeth to move up and down slightly in their sockets, which is conducive to their health.

It would, of course, be impossible to remove all highly cooked foods from the diet and it would not necessarily be desirable. Eating of more fibrous foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables should however be encouraged.

Sugar is an important factor in causing tooth decay, it is therefore desirable to restrict the use of sugar in the diet. Children especially should be encouraged to limit their intake of sweets to mealtime and to substitute such foods as milk, fruit, uncooked vegetables, and nuts for confections between meals. This is one way that all children can help prevent decay in their teeth.

Exercise 5. Here are some answers. Write down the questions:

1. What_______________________________________?

Calcium is essential for the development of teeth.

2. When___________________________________?

The enamel begins to develop about five months before birth.

3. What_________________________________?

An inadequate supply of calcium may result in poorly formed teeth.

4. Why_____________________________________?

Since it is essential for the development and maintenance of the bones.


The coarse food brushes off and cleans the teeth, chewing coarse foods also causes the teeth to move up and down slightly in their sockets, which is conducive to their health.

6. What______________________________________?

Sugar is an important factor.

7. How_______________________________________?

It is necessary to limit the intake of sweets to mealtime in children.

Exercise 6. Read the text and pay special attention to the following points:

1. Eat plenty of raw vegetables.

2. End the meal with a fruit.

3. Avoid eating between meals.

4. Avoid very hot as well as very cold foods.

5. Brush teeth after a solid meal and gargle after a sweet drink.

6. Restrict sweets.

7. Chew the food thoroughly before swallowing. It is good for the teeth and for the body.


Good health is the vital part of the great experience of living. To achieve this adequate food of the right type is the foremost necessity of health. People with a poor diet are more likely to have dental problems.

Calcium has proved to be essential for teeth and gums even from the time of prenatal life. Dairy products, fish, green leaf vegetables are considered to be sources of this mineral. Vitamin D found in sunlight and oily fish appears to aid in calcium absorption.

Fluoride is known to be necessary in early life for the formation of caries resistant teeth. But it is reported to be a double-edge nutrient, its deficiency as well as excess can cause dental problems. Fluoride can be found in water, carrots, fish, tea.

Such minerals as phosphorous and magnesium are also believed to be essential for the formation of the tooth enamel. These are found in meat, fish, eggs, spinach, bananas and whole wheat.

Foods containing starches and sugar are well known to cause tooth decay. Starch is present in cereal, bread, vegetables, fruits and processed foods. Eating snacks between meals, especially sweets, sipping sugary drinks have been found to increase the risk of tooth decay. Starches are broken by saliva into simple sugars that are converted to enamel destroying acids by the bacteria in the mouth. Starchy foods that stick to the teeth are most likely to cause tooth decay because acids formed from them remain in contact with enamel. Cheese is reported to help fight tooth decay caused by sugary foods. Drinking tea without addition of sugar is also recommended to prevent dental decay. Epidemiological surveys have reported that some populations who drink tea on a regular basis have a reduced number of carious teeth.

Bleeding gums appear to be a sign of vitamin С deficiency. Protein and vitamin A deficiency also influences immune status. Diet rich in gooseberry, citrus fruits, papaya, carrots, beans, tomatoes is known to promote gingival health.

Raw vegetables, fresh fruits, other fibrous foods help better blood circulation in the gums and remove food debris and plaque.

If you don't want to have dental problems you should pay more attention to your diet as it is very important for your dental health.

Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.