
Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.
Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.


Exercise 1. Find the pronunciation of the following words in the dictionary and translate them into Russian:

abnormality, estimate, adults, vital, community, biochemistry, gradually, prosthodontics, manufacture, orthodontics, conservation, preventive, fluoride, resin, porcelain, anesthetic, amalgam, purity.

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary. Learn the following words:

dentistry - стоматология

tooth decay (caries) - кариес

to diagnose - ставить диагноз

to prevent - предотвращать

to estimate - оценивать

dentures (false teeth) - искусственные зубы

to perform - выполнять, проводить (операцию)

prosthodontics - протезирование

orthodontics - ортодонтия

conservation (fillings) - консервативное лечение (пломбирование)

oral surgery - хирургическая стоматология

to provide - обеспечивать

to involve - включать в себя, вовлекать

to carry out - выполнять, проводить

Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations into Russian before reading the text:

a branch of medicine; one person in three; to undergo general medical training; a health problem; missing teeth; a highly-trained person; the health of the community; the chemical reactions in the body; straightening teeth; operations on the teeth, gums, jaws and other nearby parts; the structure of the mouth and teeth.

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following text into Russian:


Dentistry is the branch of medicine concerned with diagnosing, preventing, and treating diseases and abnormalities of the teeth and gums. Tooth decay and gum diseases are a health problem made worse by the kinds of food we eat. It is estimated that in the United States alone, 29 million people have no teeth of their own. One person in 3 over the age of 35 needs dentures (false teeth), while half the adults over 40 have some teeth missing because of gum disease.

Until the middle of the 19th century, most dental operations were performed by travelling tooth drawers and barbers. Today the dentist, like the doctor, is a highly-trained person whose work is vital to the health of the community.

The professional training of dentists lasts several years. For the first two years, most student dentists undergo general medical training. They study subjects such as anatomy (the structure of the body), physiology (how the body works), biochemistry (the chemical reactions in the body), and also special anatomy and physiology concerning the structure of the mouth and teeth, how the teeth grow, and how they become unhealthy or diseased. Gradually they specialize in dental subjects such as prosthodontics (the use and manufacture of false teeth), orthodontics (straightening teeth), conservation (fillings), and oral surgery (operations on the teeth, gums, jaws and other nearby parts).


draw a tooth вырвать зуб

barber парикмахер (мужской), цирюльник


Exercise 1. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

стоматология, аномалия зубов и десен, искусственные зубы, взрослые люди, высококвалифицированный специалист, профессиональное обучение, проходить курс общей медицины, структура ротовой полости и зубов, больные зубы, старше 40 лет.

Exercise 2. Give the synonyms to the following words: branch, disease, tooth decay, to estimate, adults, a highly-trained person, to undergo, unhealthy, gradually.

Exercise 3. Match the sentence halves:

1. Today the dentist

2. Tooth decay and gum diseases

3. Half the adults over 40

4. Most dental operations

5. The professional training of dentists

6. They study subjects

a. have some teeth missing because of gum diseases.

b. is a highly-trained person whose work is vital to the health of the community.

c. lasts several years.

d. are a health problem made worse by the kinds of food we eat.

e. such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and also special anatomy and physiology.

f. were performed by travelling tooth drawers and barbers.


Exercise 1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verb forms:

1. Dental students____(to receive) their education in specialized dental


2. In Russia a training course for certified dental students____(to last) five

academic years.

3. Apart from general medical disciplines, the four principal divisions of dentistry____(to recognize) in curricula in Russia.

4. Entry to a dentistry department____(to depend) on the results of competitive examinations.

5. For hundreds of years people____(to believe) that tooth decay____(to

cause) by a worm in the teeth.

6. Short courses___(to offer) regularly to dentists to keep them informed

of the new developments in dentistry.

7. Dentistry____(to consider) well-paid and secure employment in Great


8. Study of basic medical and dental subjects____(to interconnect) closely

with clinical dentistry.

9. Anatomy, biochemistry and physiology____(to study) at medical universities.

10. Before starting to work with patients in clinics, students____(to teach)

the techniques on phantom heads.

11. Doctors____(to look) for new ways to help patients.

12. Medical science____(to make) a lot of progress in recent years both

in treatment and diagnosis.

13. Many simple measures____(to take) to prevent dental diseases.

14. Preventive care____(to aim) at the two major tooth troubles: caries and

gum diseases.

15. Preventive orthodontics____(to be) another aspect of early treatment.

Exercise 2. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Participles:

1. Tooth decay is a wide spread disease affecting all ages.

2. The X-ray examination confirmed the inflammation in the root canal.

3. The case being discussed here proves the importance of an early diagnosis of dental diseases.

4. Having been discharged from the hospital after an oral surgery the patient had to pay regular visits to the local dental clinic.

5. The prescribed medicine relieved the pain.

6. The method used helped to control the disease of the gums.

7. Dental students spend much time working on phantom heads..

8. The received findings helped the oral surgeon to perform the operation.

9. Examining the patient's oral cavity the dentist considered that the condition of his teeth was normal.

Exercise 3. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form: infinitive (with or without «to»), or -ing.

1 .My family is trying ... (decide) where to go on holiday.

2. I like ... (go) somewhere different for a change.

3. Children are very often afraid of ... (visit) a dentist.

4. We began . (discuss) possible complications of the disease.

5. He agreed . (start) the treatment as soon as possible.

6. (Eat) . a balanced diet is important for those who want to have strong and healthy teeth.

7. It is necessary . (take) this medicine after meals.

8. The dentist told me . (be) more careful when .(brush) teeth.

9. Fluoride is very important in . (prevent) caries.

10. I enjoy . (see) places I have never seen before.

Exercise 4. Underline the correct participle:

1. I've always been interesting/interested in wild life, especially elephants.

2. He said he was satisfied/satisfying with his students' progress.

3. I was horrifying/horrified to learn that we had narrowly escaped death.

4. You look confusing/confused. Haven't you understood what I'm talking about?

5. Her exam results were rather disappointing/disappointed. She has to retake the exam in September.

6. The students have to answer the following/followed questions.

7. The doctor came to the conclusion that patients who were treating/treated with the new drug recovered much quicker.

8. Some patients who were administering/administered this medicine felt dizziness.

9. Fluoride is adding / added to drinking water as a health measure.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text into Russian. Write out the -ing forms. Try to determine which of them are participles I:


It is the third oldest and the largest private dental school in the United States. It is composed of clinics, laboratories, and other teaching facilities contained within several buildings. Since its foundation, New York University has been a private university, operating under a board of trustees.

Being founded in 1865, the New York College of Dentistry became an integral part of New York University in 1925.

A few years ago the College of Dentistry reached a decision to expand its previous three-year curriculum to a four-year curriculum. The curriculum is a synthesis of many areas of knowledge, including: biology, physics, biochemistry, medicine, surgery, biomechanics, aesthetics, manual skills and social sciences. In addition to providing the student with the biological and social basis for application of clinical skills, the educational programme focuses on prevention as a much desired goal in dental practice and research. Advances in the dental sciences and the increasing dental health needs of the public call for an understanding of general health problems and greater cooperation with other health professions.

The educational goal is to educate and train clinically competent general practitioners, well-grounded in both basic and clinical sciences, fully prepared to adapt to changes in dental care needs and ready to keep up-to-date with the developing dental knowledge.

During the first and second years, the course includes both the basic sciences and clinical sciences.

Clinical practice during the first and second years begins with a series of lectures on the dental patient aimed at preparing the student for the duties and responsibilities of everyday practice. The student learns the importance and the role of the dentist as part of the health team. During the second,

and continuing into the third and fourth years, each student is assigned patients. Duties begin with examination of the patient and end only when the patient's dental health is restored to the best possible state. The students are responsible for treatment planning, making appointments and providing dental treatment.

(Detailed information on the NYU College of Dentistry is given in Additional Material).


Exercise 1. Find English equivalents in the text:

частный, состоять из, Совет (попечителей), со времени его основания, составная часть, расширить, мануальные, навыки, обеспечить, применение (использование), прогресс, призывать, другие медицинские специальности, цель обучения, готовить врачей общего профиля.

Exercise 2. Tell your partner what you like or what you do not like doing using -ing forms (gerunds) of the following verbs:

read, write, use (computer), play (computer games), swim, dance, watch (TV), have (long walks in the country), drive, study English.

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the oldest and largest dental school in the USA?

2. What is this dental school composed of?

3. Is New York University a state or private university?

4. What is the period of study at the College of Dentistry?

5. Do the students study social sciences there?

6. What does educational programme focus on?

7. What is the educational goal of this oldest dental school?

8. How is the idea of cooperation with other health professions reflected in the first and second year curricula?

9. In what way does the curriculum in the third year differ from those in the first and second years?

10. What is the aim in the fourth year?

11. When does clinical practice start? How does it begin?

12. When is a student assigned patients?

13. What are the student's duties in the course of clinical practice?

14. Who is responsible for treatment planning?

15. Why does the College place considerable emphasis on research?


Exercise 1. Read the text «Dentistry Today» again, and then, without looking into it, complete the phrases:

1. Dentistry is a branch of medicine c. with diagnosing, p. and treating dental diseases.

2. It is made worse by the k... of f... we eat.

3. 29 mln people in the USA have no teeth of t... o... .

4. Most dental operations w. p. by tooth drawers and barbers.

5. Today the dentist, l... the doctor, is a h... - t... person whose work is v... to the health of the c. .

6. The professional t... of dentists l... several years.

7. They also study special anatomy and physiology c. the structure of the mouth.

8. Prosthodontics is the m. and u. of false teeth.

Exercise 2. Review the text and answer the following questions:

1. What problems is dentistry concerned with?

2. How can food influence dental health?

3. According to the text, do people of the USA have good teeth? What about people of Russia?

4. When did the first dentists appear? Does it mean that people did not have dental problems before that? How did they manage?

5. How long does professional training of dentists last nowadays?

6. What subjects do they study?

7. Is there any specialization in dentistry?

8. What is prosthodontics?

9. Is prosthodontics the same subject as orthodontics?

Exercise 3. Summarise the text «Dentistry Today» using the following introductory phrases:

The text deals with . It is said that .

I'd like to note / to point out that .. I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that . I wouldn't go into detail, but the main idea is ... In addition I'd like to mention that . Summing it up .

In conclusion I'd like to say that . It may be concluded that .

Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.