
Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.
Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.


Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations of Latin and Greek origin:

to indicate, diet, periodontitis, stomatitis, catarrhal stomatitis, chronic stomatitis, chemical stomatitis, mucous membrane, gingiva, local origin, idiosyncrasy, anaemic (anemic), stomach.

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary. Learn the following words:

to indicate указывать

to disturb беспокоить, нарушать

to affect оказывать влияние, влиять; поражать

to separate разделять, разъединять

to swell (swelled, swollen) опухать, отекать

to bleed (bled) кровоточить

to produce производить; вызывать

gingiva десна

poison яд

to inflame (inflammation) воспаляться (воспаление)

to interfere мешать, зд. затруднять

to be familiar with быть знакомым с чем - либо

Exercise 3. Read and tranlate into Russian the following text:


The mouth, in which the preliminary process of digestion begins, has a number of functions to perform. A disturbance of any of these functions indicates the presence of disease in the mouth or at some distance, as in the stomach, and bowels. In the mouth the starchy portions of the diet are given their first digestion. The absence of a number of teeth or the presence of bad teeth may disturb the preparation of food affecting the process of digestion in the mouth as well as in the stomach.

One of the commonest mouth diseases is periodontitis. This disease occurs usually during middle or late life. In some cases it may result from infection due to lowered resistance within the teeth and gums. The teeth may loosen and separate, the gums becoming inflamed. Stomatitis refers to a condition characterized by inflammation of the oral cavity.

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth occurring as a result of mechanical, chemical, thermal, bacterial, viral, electrical, or radiation injury or reactions to allergens or as secondary manifestations of systemic disease. There are various types of this disease such as catarrhal stomatitis, chronic stomatitis, simple stomatitis, chemical stomatitis and so on. In stomatitis infection and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity may involve the gingiva, the palate, the tongue, the cheeks and the lips.

The lesion may be of local origin or it may be a symptomatic expression of general disease.

Simple Stomatitis. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity being inflamed, it becomes sensitive and red. Often the tongue and pharynx are involved. The temperature may rise very high, especially in children.

Mastication is often interfered, the breath being fetid. It may be due to catarrh of the upper air passages or digestive disturbances.

Idiosyncrasy to certain drugs may produce stomatitis, especially antipyrin, aspirin.

Chemical Stomatitis. Under the term «chemical stomatitis* certain industrial diseases come, such as phosphorous and lead poisoning.

The phosphorous stomatitis starts with a painful inflammation of the soft tissues and later causes necrosis of the jaws.

In lead poisoning the gums look rather anaemic, the gingiva showing the typical narrow band of dark blue colour.

Acute Herpetic Stomatitis is the manifestations of clinically apparent primary herpes simplex characterized by regional lymphadenopathy, sore throat, and high temperature, followed by localized itching and burning, with the formation of small vesicles of an erythematous base that give way to plaques and then painful herpetic ulcers. The gingivae are swollen and erythematous, and they bleed easily. Manifestations subside in 7 to 10 days, and recovery usually occurs within 2 weeks.

Aphtous Stomatitis refers to recurrent ulcers of the mouth that appear to be the same clinically as herpetic ulcers and for that reason have been considered to be a manifestation of recurrent herpes simplex, although the herpesvirus has never been conclusively isolated from recurrent aphthae.

Gangrenous Stomatitis is a destruction of large masses of the oral tissues, particularly the cheek. It usually is found in weakened patients with very low resistance to infection because of lowered white blood cell count or other causes. In advanced stages a large segment of the cheek may be lost, leaving the teeth visible through the defect.

Herpetic Stomatitis is an oral manifestation of primary herpes simplex infection. The term also is used by some for herpetiform ulcers considered to be oral manifestations of secondary or recurrent herpes simplex.

Medicamentosa Stomatitis is an allergic response of the oral mucosa to a systemically administered drug. Possible manifestations include asthma, skin rashes, leukopenia lymphadenopathy, and oral lesions (erythema, ulcerative lesions and angioneurotic edema).

Nicotinic Stomatitis is an inflammation of the palatal minor salivary ducts caused by irritation by tobacco smoke or hot fluids and characterized by raised small palatal lesions with red centers and white borders. The palatal mucosa usually has a generalized keratosis accompanying the smaller lesions. Also called stomatitis nicotina.

Stomatitis Venenata is an inflammation of the oral mucosa as the result of contact allergy. The most common causative agents are mouthwashes, denture powders, and topical anesthetics. Possible manifestations include erythema, angioneurotic edema, burning sensations, ulcerations, and vesicles.

Every dentist should be familiar with various types of stomatitis and recognize them clinically.


Exercise 1. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

пищеварение, желудок, указывать, нарушение, кишечник, расшатываться, сопротивляемость, воспаляться, быть результатом, характеризовать, воспаление, поражение местного характера, поражать, лекарства, у детей, зловонное дыхание, в пожилом возрасте, ряд зубов, вызывать стоматит, при отравлении, выглядеть, быть знакомым, распознавать.

Exercise 2. Give the synonyms to the following words: to indicate, to perform, occasionally, bowels, to start, because of, to cause.

Exercise 3. Supply the words of the same root.

A. Give derivatives to the following words:

to prepare, saliva, to digest, to masticate, to inflame, to result, to secrete, to disturb

B. Choose a correct derivative and translate the sentences:

1. prepare - These pharmaceutical ... are administered to relieve pain.

2. masticate - In stomatitis ... is often very difficult and painful.

3. saliva - Parotid gland is the . gland located at the angle (угол) of the

jaw in front of and below the ear.

4. disturb - Poor mouth hygiene and the presence of bad teeth can be the

cause of digestive . .

5. secrete - The process by which certain substances in a plant or animal

body are separated (from body liquids, blood, etc.) for use or as waste matter is called . .

6. inflame - Pulpitis is ... of the tooth pulp. Sometimes the ... process may

be very severe and painful.

Exercise 4. Put a correct preposition into each gap:

1. The absence . a number . teeth or the presence....bad teeth may hamper

the mastication.

2. Stomatitis refers . a condition characterized . inflammation.

3. The increased secretion . saliva may affect the digestion . the mouth.

4. Phosphorous poisoning starts....a painful inflammation....the soft tissue.

5. . lead poisoning the gums look anaemic.

6. Every dentist must be familiar . various types . stomatitis.


Exercise 1.Choose and translate sentences with the Absolute Participlial Construction:

1. Periodontal disease being number one cause of adult tooth loss, it strikes three of four adults during the course of their lives.

2. When diagnosed early, juvenile periodontitis can be treated.

3. Some elderly people ignore their dental health, believing that sooner or later everyone must lose his / her natural teeth.

4. Dry mouth occurring when saliva supply is reduced, it may be a result of taking certain kinds of medicines.

5. Dental disease remains a chronic health problem, it affecting 90% to 95% of all Americans.

6. Fluoride combines with tooth enamel improving its resistance to decay.

7. Tooth plaque being colourless, it is difficult to be detected.

8. More plaque forms on the top of the calculus (зубной камень) further irritating the gum.

Exercise 2. Translate the following sentences. Determine the tense forms of the predicates:

1. In the mouth the starchy portions of the diet are given their first digestion.

2. Mastication was interfered and the breath was fetid.

3. A few cases of lead poisoning have been reported.

4. Simple stomatitis is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane.

5. When permanent teeth are developing in the jaw bone the roots of the deciduous teeth are gradually dissolving.

6. Occasionally people get poisoned from the use of water that has been in a new lead water pipe.

7. The patient complained that he had been having a high temperature for three days.

8. Inflammation appeared two days ago.

9. - Where is Dr. Smith? - I think, he is examining the patient now.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Больные зубы могут мешать правильному пищеварению.

2. Стоматит характеризуется воспалением слизистой оболочки полости рта.

3. Очень часто десны, небо, язык, щеки и губы вовлекаются в процесс воспаления.

4. Каждый стоматолог должен распознавать различные типы стоматитов.

5. Стоматит поражает губы и слизистую оболочку рта.

6. Стоматит часто начинается с болезненного воспаления мягких тканей полости рта.

7. Наличие плохих зубов часто влияет на процесс пищеварения.

8. При стоматите температура обычно не бывает очень высокой.

9. Это заболевание обычно встречается в пожилом возрасте.

Exercise 4. Determine participles and translate the sentences into Russian. Find the sentences with the Absolute Participial Construction.

1. Solutions containing sugar are sources of painful caries.

2. Among the conditions routinely diagnosed by the dentist, pulpitis is the disease that occurs most often.

3. Elderly people often suffer from the loss of teeth, as a rule periodontal disease being cause number one.

4. Pulpitis associated with internal resorption may show loss of tooth structure and enlargement of the pulp chamber.

5. Reversible pulpitis may resolve following the removal of the offending stimulus.

6. A slowly growing granuloma produced few clinical signs.

7. Vascular changes being small, the teeth react normally to heat, cold and electrical stimulation.


Exercise 1. Answer the questions to the text.

1. Where does the process of digestion begin?

2. What may the absence of teeth or the presence of bad teeth result in?

3. What is one of the commonest mouth diseases?

4. What does periodontitis result from?

5. What are the symptoms of periodontitis?

6. What types of stomatitis exist?

7. What are the clinical characteristics of simple stomatitis?

8. What may chemical stomatitis be caused by?

9. What are the typical symptoms of chemical stomatitis as compared to simple stomatitis?

Exercise 2. Speak about common diseases of the mouth cavity using the following verbs:

to indicate, to cause, to result in, to result from, to disturb, to occur, to involve, to be characterized by, to loosen, to be due to.

Exercise 3. Read the text below and answer the questions given after the text.


Periodontal disease develops slowly. The irritants in plaque inflame the gums, making them tender and easily bleeding. The unremoved plaque hardens and collects under the gumline, making plaque removal more difficult. More plaque forms, further irritating the gums and making them red, swollen, tender, bleeding. This condition is known as gingivitis and it can be controlled by scrupulous oral hygiene and professional cleaning. If gingivitis is not treated, it develops into periodontitis.

In periodontitis, the irritated gums pull away from the teeth, forming pockets between the teeth and gums that fill with bacteria and gradually deepen. When that happens, surgery may be needed to save the teeth. If left untreated, the bone supporting the teeth is destroyed, and the teeth begin to shift and loosen. Eventually, they fall out or must be extracted.

Questions to be answered:

1 .What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

2. What is the immediate cause of gingivitis?

3. How can gingivitis be controlled?

4. What are the main symptoms of periodontitis?

Exercise 4. Read and translate the following text into Russian:


There are many signs of periodontal disease: swollen, painful or bleeding gums, bad breath, and loose or sensitive teeth. But gums don't always let you know they are in trouble, even in the late stages of disease. Bacterial

infection may be silently and progressively destroying the soft tissues and bone that support your teeth. Early diagnosis of periodontal disease, prompt treatment and regular checkups bring the best results.

Periodontal disease is a serious and often ongoing condition, it requires an ongoing treatment programme to control it effectively. After a thorough evaluation, your periodontist will recommend the best course of professional treatment. Whether this means non-surgical or surgical treatment, it always includes home care. The periodontal therapy you get in the dentist's office takes care of the infection you have now and helps maintain control. But only you can provide the daily flossing, brushing and other care needed to prevent periodontal disease from getting worse or coming back.

A periodontist is a specialist who specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal disease. In addition to four years of dental school, your periodontist has had extensive training in this specialty. He or she will provide you with treatment that ranges from deep cleaning of teeth and gums to surgical removal of infection to surgery that actually may restore soft tissue and bone, damaged by periodontal disease. Many periodontists also treat temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD), and are skilled in replacing missing teeth with dental implants.

Exercise 5.

A. Find words in the text which mean:

1. to supply what is needed

2. examination

3. teeth, moving more freely than is right or usual

4. the process of giving medical or surgical care

5. keep up, continue

6. full

7. prophylaxis

8. absent

B. Complete these phrases with a verb. They all appear in the article.

1. to . the best results

2. to . effectively

3. to . care

4. to . control

5. to . a disease

6. to . in the diagnosis

7. to . treatment

8. to . training in

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the signs of periodontal disease?

2. Can the disease disappear if untreated?

3. What is the role of bacterial infection in periodontal disease?

4. What kind of specialist can provide the best treatment in this case?

5. What is the role of home oral care?

6. Is it difficult to acquire the specialty of a periodontist?

7. What kind of treatment can these specialists provide?

Exercise 7. Summarise the text «Periodontal Disease» using the following introductory expressions: The text is about... It is stressed that... It is pointed out that... In conclusion it is said that...

Exercise 8. Read the following text. Pay attention to the following questions and give the main idea of the prophylaxis of periodontitis.


Why do we have to brush our teeth?

To remove dental deposit and avoid different gum diseases.

Every day a sticky film appears on the tooth surface. This film consists of bacteria that accumulate in places hard to reach and especially between teeth and on the gum border. That may cause various diseases of the teeth such as caries and periodontitis.

What is the difference between tooth deposit and dental calculus?

Bacteria deposits interact with minerals contained in the saliva and gradually harden. That is the way for dental calculus to appear.

Dental calculus can be removed only by means of professional hygienic tooth cleaning performed by a doctor.

What does a healthy gum look like?

A healthy gum is pale pink, strong and dense. It's snug against necks of teeth. While being brushed healthy teeth don't bleed.

How does periodontitis appear?

If you don't remove tooth deposits for a long time bacteria produce toxins that cause gum inflammation. It is the first stage of the disease or gingivitis.

What are the symptoms of periodontitis?

Inflamed and bleeding gums, unpleasant taste in your mouth, smell from your mouth, gradually progressing mobility of the teeth.

How does the inflammation appear?

When a bacterial deposit grows and reaches the gingival margin (a small cavity between tooth and gum) deeper periodontium layers get inflamed. Pathological periodontal sinuses appear. As a result bone tissue also gets inflamed and that causes its destroying.

The more bone tissue is destroyed, the more is tooth mobility, and so suppurative inflammation (abscess) can appear within periodontal sinuses. Sometimes a gum lowers leaving dental roots naked.

What is the daily periodontitis prophylaxis?

At home you should try to completely remove dental deposits.

Most people can't even imagine how difficult is to remove a tooth deposit and especially on a gingival margin. While brushing teeth people usually miss one and the same place .

It is in these zones that inflammation usually appears. To avoid it a doctor performs a test with a dye to find out where dental deposits usually remain after brushing. With the doctor's help you can become familiar with effective dental care. Good oral hygiene makes your breath fresh and your gums and teeth healthy.

Why is it necessary to have professional hygienic cleaning of the teeth?

There are places that are hard to reach (interdental spaces and periodontal sinuses) where it's impossible to remove bacteria deposits and dental calculus without any help. People who smoke and drink strong tea or coffee usually have darkened teeth.

Professional hygienic cleaning of teeth removes dental deposits, it renews natural enamel colour. So it's better to have professional hygienic cleaning of teeth regularly.

Professional hygienic cleaning involves:

1. Deposit colouring and individual consultation concerning hygiene.

2. Removal of dental deposits and dental calculus; periodontal sinuses and interdental spaces are cleaned with the help of an ultrasonic device or manually.

3. Renewing of natural enamel colour and whitening with an airflow method.

4. Tooth surface polishing.

5. Fluoride treatment.

Exercise 9. The text to be translated in written form.

Dental diseases are not different from other diseases but they are comparatively easy to diagnose because the affected tissues are open to observation.

The most common dental diseases are caries, gingivitis and pyorrhoea.

Dental caries may affect enamel or it can involve both enamel and dentine.

Gingivitis is an inflammation of the gum margin or gingiva that may in time involve the underlying and adjacent structures.

Pyorrhoea occurs usually during middle or late life. There may be an oedema of the periodontal membrane in which case the teeth are raised in their sockets and elongated, and yet this condition is not actually pyorrhoea since there is no infection. Pyorrhoea exists when there is a partial destruction of the periodontal membrane and purulent discharge indicating infection. In the treatment of pyorrhoea it is necessary to remove all sources of irritation. Diet plays an important role in building up the local tissue resistance.

Exercise 10. Reading for information. Use a dictionary if necessary.


The changes in the periodontal ligament around the apical foramina cause an increased pressure, producing sensitivity to percussion, occasional elevation of the tooth in its socket, creating trauma and pain on chewing.

The complications of apical periodontitis may occur in four forms: the periapical granuloma, the apical periodontal cyst, the periapical abscess, and osteomyelitis. The granuloma grows slowly and produces few clinical signs. The same is true of the apical periodontal cyst until it becomes so large that it expands the cortex of the maxilla or mandible. Both are readily seen on radiographs.

Apical periodontitis and its sequelae are treated by endodontic therapy or extraction of the tooth. When this condition is accompanied by systemic symptoms, antibiotic therapy may precede the definitive dental therapy.


Periodontal diseases affect the soft tissues and bone that support the teeth. Gingivitis or inflamed gums, is the early form of periodontal disease. If left unchecked, gingivitis can progress to a more severe condition called periodontitis. This infection, caused by harmful bacteria, eventually destroys the bone and ligament which hold the teeth in place. Sound teeth may become loose and, if untreated, can be lost.

For people with diabetes mellitus, periodontitis can be a major complication of their disease. Periodontal infection can upset blood sugar control, and loose or missing teeth can make eating the right foods difficult.


Dental plaque plays a major role in the development of gingivitis and other periodontal diseases. Plaque, a sticky film containing millions of bacteria, attaches to the teeth. Only certain types of bacteria, however, are suspected of causing gum disease. Dental scientists are studying these and other harmful organisms to determine the exact roles they play in periodontal problems.

Other factors that contribute to gum diseases include poor nutrition, inherited defects in infection-fighting cells, hormonal changes in pregnancy, and certain diseases such as diabetes mellitus.

Periodontal diseases are a problem for many people. In fact, the majority of the population above the age of 40 probably has some form of the disease, ranging from mild gum inflammation to severe periodontal infection. Although most of the damage from gum disease occurs after the age of 35, dental scientists believe that the disorder has its beginnings in youth. Most school children have gingivitis, and some even have the more destructive form of periodontal disease.


 Lasers - used instead of drills to treat soft tissues (like gums), although they can't cut through dental enamel.

 Infra-Oral Cameras - pen-shaped devices used to take snaps of your teeth. The image can be flipped onto a monitor to explain treatment.

 Porcelain Laminates - the veneer material that most closely resembles natural tooth. Surface details, colour and texture look natural. Veneers can be made as thin as 0.5mm yet last for 15 years.

 Resin Laminates - slightly cheaper than porcelain but don't look as good or last as long, say dentists. Resin is porous, takes up stains and has to be replaced every 2 - 4 years like white fillings, making it more expensive in the long run.

 Dental patches - an alternative method of pain control. They stick to gums like a plaster and administer a dose of anaesthetic. Great for injection phobics, although they can be tricky to keep in place, according to dentists.

 Glass Ionomer Fillings - bond chemically to the tooth and act as a fluoride source, but they can't be used on biting surfaces.

 Injections - needles are getting finer and less painful.

Английский язык. English in dentistry : учебник для студентов стоматологических факультетов медицинских вузов / Под ред. Л.Ю. Берзеговой. - 2009. - 272 с.