Повторение: Времена группы: Indefinite (Active and Passive Voice) (?? 10, 14)

Часть I

Слова к части I


Упражнение 1. Найдите и определите время и залог глаголов-сказуемых в следующих предложениях.

1. The earlier investigators of bacteria thought of them as tiny animals which were generally grouped together with the microscopic animals called protozoans. 2. Probably the bacteria are made up of various kinds of organisms, some are related to algae, others to fungi. Future research will doubtless throw more light on such relationship. 3. Before the middle of the nineteenth century, the word «virus» was commonly applied to all toxic or poisonous substances, including snake venom. 4. Viruses are distinguished from poisons and venoms because of their infectious quality. 5. In addition to smallpox and yellow fever, viruses cause such human diseases as mumps, measles, poliomyelitis, chicken pox, Japanese В encephalitis, infectious hepatitis, influenza and probably the common cold.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите первый абзац текста А. Обратите внимание на произношение медицинских терминов.

Упражнение 3. Образуйте производные слова согласно данной модели и переведите их.

Существительное + -ed = прилагательное: mark знак, метка, след; черта; известность - marked отмеченный, заметный; значительный, известный.

fur (мех; налет на языке); bruise (синяк); fracture (перелом); disease; dress

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите данные однокоренные слова.

1. distant, distance, distantly; 2. evident, evidence, evidently; 3. to inflame, inflamed, inflammable, inflammation; 4. to suppurate, suppurative, suppuration; 5. severe, severely, severity; 6. region, regional

Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.

X-ray evidence, inflammation of lungs, abdominal region, regional operation, severe pain, attack of coughing, to be severely ill

Упражнение 6. Просмотрите текст А и назовите основные симптомы ос- трого остеомиелита.

Text A Acute Osteomyelitis

1. In this text we shall discuss the signs and symptoms of acute osteomyelitis, an infectious suppurative disease affecting bones.

Osteomyelitis is generally caused by Staphylococcus, which reaches the bones via the blood stream from a distant focus, often a throat infection. Its rise was especially sharp during World War II, particulary in 1942-46 when the lack of due antibiotics made the disease uncured.

2. The disease generally affects the upper end of tibia or lower end of femur. The infection is followed by intense reaction, with pus formation in the marrow spaces. From there the suppuration spreads along the marrow cavity and also through the cortex, to erupt on the surface and form a subperiosteal abscess. In some cases the marrow cavity is widely involved; in others, on the contrary, there is a large subperiosteal abscess, but little or no pus within the bone.

3. Almost always part of bone becomes necrotic, due to the toxic effect of pus under tension and to obliteration by the subperiosteal abscess of the periosteal vessels supplying the bone cortex. The main nutrient artery itself may be thrombosed, leading to necrosis of the major part of the bone.

4. Acute osteomyelitis generally affects children, especially if in poor health, after an infectious fever. Sometimes there is a history of minor injury to the part a few days before the onset of acute symptoms.

5. In a typical case the onset is sudden. Then pain and inflammation of the bone are accompanied by marked toxaemia. The temperature rises, often to 103? or 104? F, the face is flushed and the tongue is furred. The leucocyte count rises to 20.000 or more. Delirium is frequent. The pain is severe. The limb is held immobile. The skin over the inflamed region is hot and red, and dilated veins may be evident. Slight superficial edema appears early. Localising signs develop early in the case of a superficial bone such as the tibia, later if the bone is deeply placed.

6. Acute osteomyelitis is a dangerous disease, especially when it affects a deep-seated bone, such as the upper end of the femur, pelvis or vertebrae. In those who survive the acute phase the disease often persists as chronic osteomyelitis. Eventually complete restoration of functions and general health will be expected in most cases, when appropriate treatment is applied.

Упражнение 7. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзац 5 переведите письменно.

Упражнение 8. Найдите в тексте А ответы на данные вопросы.

1. What kind of diseases is osteomyelitis. 2. When was its rise especially sharp? Why? 3. What is osteomyelitis caused by? 4. Where does the infection localize? 5. What is the course of the disease? 6. How does the disease begin in a typical case? 7. Does the disease persist as a chronic one or is complete restoration of functions and general health possible?

Упражнение 9. Переведите данные предложения. Определите, какой частью речи являются выделенные слова.

1. The disease generally affects the upper end of tibia or lower end of femur. 2. The infection is followed by intense reaction, with pus formation in the marrow spaces. 3. Almost always part of the bone becomes necrotic, due to the toxic effect of pus under the tension. 4. The main nutrient artery itself may be thrombosed. 5. In those who survive the acute phase the disease often persists as chronic osteomyelitis.

Упражнение 10. Найдите в каждом абзаце предложения, выражающие основную мысль данного абзаца. Выпишите их.

Упражнение 11. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, синонимичное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. distant - obvious, remote, far-away, distinct, close; 2. to involve - to invent, to include, to invite, to affect; 3. to spread - to go over, to divide, to distribute, to cover, to scatter; 4. onset - attack, beginning, process, turning-point; 5. severe - low, short-turn, acute, chronic; 6. region - locality, district, area, part, partition

Упражнение 12. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.

1. acute - dye, due, dull, dry; 2. minor - main, general, major, important; 3. evident - unclear, obscure; 4. appropriate - unsuitable, unfitting, common; 5. deeply - above, outside, superficially

Упражнение 13. Поставьте глаголы-сказуемые в форму действительного залога.

1. Acute osteomyelitis is generally caused by Staphylococcus aureus. 2. The infection was followed by intense reaction with pus formation in the marrow spaces. 3. After hospitalization he was prescribed appropriate treatment at home by his family doctor. 4. The wound will be dressed by her every second day.

Упражнение 14. Переведите следующие предожения на английский язык письменно.

1. Ее отправили в больницу два дня назад. 2. Доктор сказал, что нужна срочная операция. 3. При остеомиелите поражаются кости. 4. Гипсовую повязку снимут через три дня. 5. Рана зажила и больному разрешили двигаться. 6. При остеомиелите в костном мозге образуется гной.

Часть II Слова к части II


Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова.

communication, position, to restore, correct, to protect, irregularly, especially, to fix

Упражнение 2. Найдите в данном ряду слово, значение которого дано в начале ряда.

1. повреждать (наносить ущерб) - to wound, to hurt, to damage, to harm; 2. заживлять - to cure, to restore, to heal, to treat; 3. выпол- нять (завершать) - to fulfil, to complete, to finish; 4. рвать, ранить - to separate, to lacerate, to tear

Упражнение 3. Назовите корневые слова, от которых образованы данные производные, и переведите их на русский язык.

1. relation, relationship, relative, relatively; 2. tenderly, tenderness, tender-hearted; 3. swelling, swelled; 4. dressed, dressing

Упражнение 4. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Скажите, какие типы переломов описаны в тексте. 2) Найдите в тексте предложения с глаголом- сказуемым в действительном и страдательном залоге. Укажите время сказуемого. 3) Переведите предложения.

Text В Fractures

A fracture is a broken bone. There may be different types of fractures. A closed or simple fracture results from an injury which breaks a bone without causing any external wound at the site of the break. In case of an open or compound fracture there is a wound of the skin at the site of the fracture, and this will allow communication between the outside air and the broken bone, therefore it is «open». When the sharp ends of a broken bone damage an internal organ such as the brain or lungs, this is known as «complicated fracture».

In compound fractures early and prompt healing with good function will be obtained only by early repositions in correct position. This is necessary not only to restore the bone structures, but to place the soft parts in relationship for correct function as well. All compound fracture patients must be protected against movement, muscle spasm, and loss of position. This is accomplished by fixation of fracture fragments in plaster of Paris casts1 or in any other way. Frequent dressing of wounds in compound fractures is unnecessary.

What are the symptoms and signs of a fracture? Shock is always present in some degree with any fracture. Sometimes it may be severe. Pain and tenderness at the site of fracture is quickly followed by bruising and swelling. Bleeding is frequent in case of an open fracture. Irregularity on the surface of the bone may also be seen, e.g. on the collar-bone or the bone of an arm. In an open fracture the ends of the broken bone may be sticking out of the wound. A person's leg which was broken may be turned underneath him with the foot turned round the wrong way. The bones of the leg may be bent in a place where there is no joint, e.g. between the knee and the ankle if both bones of the leg are broken.

First-aid treatment of fracture. Lay the patient down. This will lessen shock. If there is a fracture of the skull raise the patient's head and shoulders a little and support them. Stop bleeding if the fracture is open, and apply a dressing. In all open fractures there is some bleeding, but it can generally be stopped by putting on a dressing. If bleeding continues, it is necessary to use indirect pressure, especially if the bleeding is from an artery.

Fix the damaged part so that any movement by the patient cannot cause the broken bone to move, as this will increase the deformity, cause great pain and make shock worse.


1. plaster of Paris cast гипсовая повязка

Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их.

1. There may be different types of fractures: closed, open, complete. 2. In compound fractures early healing may be obtained. 3. Compound fracture patients must be protected against movement. 4. Bleeding should be stopped. 5. Fix the damaged part.

Упражнение 7. Передайте основное содержание текста В.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 15

Упражнение 1. Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол стоит в страдательном залоге.

1. The bones of the leg were bent between the knee and the foot. 2. In all open fractures there is some bleeding. 3. Roentgenograms revealed new bone formation. 4. The fractures are caused by direct violence and indirect violence. 5. Pain and tenderness in the bone were followed by bruising. 6. The patient's leg was held immobill.

(Ответ: 1, 4, 5, 6. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ? 4 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 2. Определите, в каких предложениях глагол to be является: а) частью страдательного залога; б) глаголом-связкой.

1. If the limb is distorted consult a traumatologist. 2. In patients with broken bones in an arm or hand the affected limb is secured to the body with bandages. 3. One of the patients was a boy of ten with complaints of pain in both arms. 4. It was necessary to apply plaster of Paris cast at once. 5. The bleeding was stopped by putting on a dressing. 6. The diagnosis of a complicated fracture was made and the girl was directed to the traumatological department. 7. Doctor N. was particularly attentive to the man with a comlicated fracture.

(Ответ: a) 1, 2, 5, 6; б) 3, 4, 7. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ? 15 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 3. Выберите правильные значения выделенных слов.

1. They dreamed of (мечтали, видели во сне) becoming surgeons after they graduated from the Institute. 2. They learned (учить, изучать, узнавать) that their group would begin their practical studies on Friday. 3. Their practical studies in surgery will begin at the surgical department (кафедра, факультет, отдел, отделение).



Повторение: Времена группы Perfect (Active and Passive Voice) (?? 12, 14)

Часть I

Слова к части I


Упражнение 1. Найдите глаголы-сказуемые в следующих предложениях. Определите их время и залог.

1. The marked increase in patients entering emergency rooms in hospitals has resulted in a need for increasing facilities in almost every hospital. 2. The patient was examined for an injury to his leg which had been broken in an automobile accident. 3. Four weeks later the deep abrasions of the thigh were skin grafted. 4. If a bone in the forearm is broken the splint must reach above the elbow and extend below the wrist. 5. For thousands of years mankind had accumulated knowledge in surgery, but real development in this field of medicine started only in

the 19th century. 6. By the end of the week we shall have explored surgically the posterior tibial artery.

Упражнение 2. Образуйте 2 пары предложений от данных ниже: а) с глаголом-сказуемым в Present Perfect (Active, Passive); б) с глаголом- сказуемым в Past Perfect (Active, Passive) согласно образцу.

Образец: The nurse (to dress) the patient's wound.

1. The nurse has dressed the patient's wound. The pa- tient's wound has been dressed by the nurse.

2. The nurse had dressed the patient's wound. The pa- tient's wound had been dressed by the nurse.

1. The teacher (to demonstrate) open fracture of the thorax. 2. The physician (to examine) the boy with osteomyelitis. 3. He (to apply) plaster of Paris cast. 4. The students (to see) patients with a complicated fracture.

Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова и словосоче- тания.

heart, coronary, contraction, approximately, surface, diabetic, per cent, angina pectoris, obesity, fortunately, degenerative, severity

Упражнение 4. Запомните значение суффикса -ness. Образуйте существительные от следующих прилагательных согласно модели и переведите их.

Прилагательное + -ness = существительное со значением качества или состояния: acute острый - acuteness острота. ill, sick, excessive, distinctive, calm

Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите следующие гнезда слов.

1. to expert - experience, experienced; 2. to die - death, deadly, dying; 3. to cease - cessation, ceaseless; 4. to obstruct - obstructive, obstruction; 5. to recover - recovery, recoverable

Упражнение 6. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.

to recover sight (hearing, voice, one's breath, consciousness); deadborn; to experience pain; an obstruction in the throat

1. The coronary blood vessels surrounding the heart have derived their name from the fact that they encircle the heart like a crown, or corona. These vessels transport almost a half pint of blood every minute over the surface of the heart. Any sudden blockage of one of the coronary arteries deprives that section of the heart of its blood supply. Cardiac cells die, heart contractions may cease, and circulation may come to a standstill. If a coronary artery is completely plugged, the condition is called a coro-

nary occlusion or heart attack. The vascular pathologic disorder itself has been very variable. If the obstruction is only partial or in one of the smaller coronary tributaries, prompt treatment often leads to the individual's recovery. An occlusion in main coronary arteries is very serious and may cause sudden death. Other causes of the coronary disease in-

Fig. 14. Coronary arteries supplying the heart

clude heavy physical exercise, aging, dietary habits, obesity, smoking, or hypertension.

2. Pain which had been developed in the heart may be due to a bloodflow deficiency in the coronary vessels. This is referred to (actually felt in) the left arm and shoulder. Such pain from the heart has been called angina pectoris. Angina pectoris may not actually be noticed until the work load is too great in relation to the flow in the coronary vessels. People who had experienced it repeatedly often do not feel pain unless they experience strong emotion. Others experience it much of the time.

3. Fortunately, the great majority of coronary disease patients will have recovered and have been able to lead active, useful lives, when they receive proper treatment under good medical supervision. There are many preparations which have been effective and are under clinical investigation at the present time.

Heart and Artery Diseases

4. Heart and artery diseases have been presently the number one health problem in the world. Cardiovascular ailments are by far the chief

causes of illness, disability, and death among both middle-aged and elderly people. Among these, coronary heart disease, illness of the blood vessels supplying the heart, is responsible for the greatest number of deaths (over 50 per cent of all cardiovascular diseases). Causes of other cardiovascular disease deaths, in order of decreasing importance, are stroke and hypertension. These three diseases are responsible for more than 80 per cent of all cardiovascular disease deaths.

5. Like cancer and emphysema, heart diseases appear to be related to the extension of the average life span. Certain factors are definitely involved in the high incidence of heart disease - the stress, diets high in saturated fats, the tendency toward obesity with age, lack of sufficient physical exercise, and the incidence of smoking. These factors appear to relate to a higher incidence of heart desease than in societies lacking these characteristics.

6. The severity and danger of heart and artery diseases which we had previously described cannot be minimized; a disease in an arm or leg may cripple a person, but a disease of the heart may lead to his death.

Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Абзацы 2 и 3 переведите письменно.

Упражнение 10. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и прочтите их.

1. What kinds of cardiovascular diseases have been discribed in text A? 2. What does the sudden blockage of the coronary artery result in? 3. What are the conditions caused by coronary occlusion? 4. What is angina pectoris? What do people experience in this condition? 5. Why heart and artery diseases have been recently the number one health problem in the world?

Упражнение 11. Составьте письменно план текста А.

Упражнение 12. Передайте основную мысль абзацев 4 и 5 текста А одним- двумя предложениями.

Упражнение 13. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в данные предло- жения: fortunately, approximately, also.

1. ... , the great majority of coronary disease patients recover and are able to lead active, useful lives if they receive proper treatment under good medical supervision. 2. ... one fourth of all deaths in the world result from coronary artery disease. 3. ... it is estimated that more than

one out of every ten persons suffers some degree of insufficiency of blood supply to the heart.

Упражнение 14. Дайте синонимы к следующим словам.

to cease, obstruction, illness, serious, majority

Упражнение 15. Прочтите и переведите текст. Объяшите употребление глагольных времен и залога.

Twenty patients with arterial occlusion have been treated by systematic infusions since May. In many of these patients the obstruction had been present for so long that irreversible changes had already taken place.

Obstruction in eleven patients was of more than twenty-four-hours' duration and in four was more than forty-eight hours old.

Only eight patients were treated within twenty-four to thirty hours of the onset of the obstruction. Of these five (62 per cent) had complete return of circulation. Return of circulation usually occurred after ten to twelve hours of continuous intravenous therapy. It became apparent that even though improvement was obtained by one course of treatment, this did not assure a permanent response. The reasons for this are probably multiple and include: 1) a nidus of thrombus may remain on which complete rethrombosis can develop and 2) intimal damage remains as a source of rethrombosis. For these reasons we have repeated treatment for two to three days with the expectation that all thrombus will be eradicated and the vessel wall will have a chance to repair itself.

Часть II Слова к части II


Упражнение 1. Найдите корневые слова, от которых образованы данные производные, и переведите их на русский язык.

normally, presented, frequently, increasing, imbalance, excessive, weakened

Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Назовите симптомы гипер- тонии. 2) Найдите предложения с глаголом-сказуемым в действительном и страдательном залоге в форме Perfect. Укажите время, которым выражены сказуемые. 3) Переведите эти предложения.

Text В Hypertension

Hypertension simply means high blood pressure. As a normal heart pumps blood through the body, a certain degree of pressure is excreted against the blood vessels. With each beat of the left ventricle, a wave ol pressure starts at the heart and travels along the arteries. This wave is called the pulse. The pulse can be felt on any arteries that are close to the surface of the body, such as on the wrist, the sides of the throat and the temple. The pulse results from the blood pressure. The blood pressure at the moment of contraction is the systolic pressure; it should normally be sufficient to displace about 120 mm. mercury in a glass tube. The blood pressure at the moment of relaxation of the heart is the diastolic pressure; it normally displaces about 80 mm. of mercury. Blood pressure readings, which are frequently taken during a general physical examination are presented as a ratio of the first figure over the second. Most physiologists consider the blood pressure reading of 150/90 as excessive. This can be considered a useful definition of high blood pressure.

Hypertension is very common. It is believed that about one out of every five individuals suffers from it and that about 13 per cent of all deaths are a direct result of it. Recently hypertension has become more common with increasing age and now it affects men about twice as often as women.

In about 90 per cent of the known cases, it has been described as essential hypertension, a hereditary condition. In other cases it may be due to the removal of a kidney, kidney disease, excessive narrowing of the arteries, hormone imbalance, or excessive salt in the diet.

It has been known for many years that hypertension is damaging for two reasons: 1) it puts an excess work load on the heart and the left ventricle in particular; 2) the arteries may be damaged by excessive pressure. A hypertensive patient tends to develop cardiovascular ailments much sooner than a person who has not suffered from hypertension.

This high blood pressure in the arteries causes a hardening (sclerosis) of blood vessels all over the body. The vessels become weakened; clots tend to form in them much more easily; some vessels rupture and haemorrhage. For centuries haemorrhage in the vessels of the brain (cerebral haemorrhage) and vessels of the kidneys has been known to be particularly destructive.

Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их вслух.

1. The pulse results from the blood pressure and can be measured. 2. There is systolic and diastolic pressure. 3. Hypertension is very common. 4. The causes of hypertension may be different. 5. Hypertension is damaging for two reasons. 6. Hypertensive patients have tended to develop cardiovascular ailments.

Упражнение 5. Передайте основное содержание текста В письменно, использовав в качестве плана предыдущее упражнение.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 16

Упражнение 1. Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол-сказуемое стоит во временах группы Perfect.

1. Cardiomyopathy has been defined as «acute, subacute, or chronic disorder of heart muscle of unknown or obscure etiology». 2. Apart from discomfort in his chest he had no history suggestive of myocardial infarction or angina. 3. A patient with a femoral artery embolus had marked temporary improvement in circulation. 4. The duration of treatment has been increased to a maximum of 16 hours in our patients. 5. The arterial occlusion had recurred by the next morning.

(Ответ: 1, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ?? 12, 14 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 2. Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол-сказуемое стоит в форме страдательного залога.

1. The patient was admitted to the hospital with essential hypertension. 2. The woman responded slowly to diuretic therapy. 3. A loud heart-sound was audible at the mitral area. 4. The patient has been maintained for a year without further episodes of heart-failure. 5. The left ventricle was

grossly dilated with very poor movements of all areas. 6. Gross mitral incompetence had not been suspected clinically previously.

(Ответ: 1, 4, 5, 6. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ? 14 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 3. Переведите данные гнезда слов на английский язык.

1. опыт, испытывать, огштный; 2. умирать, смерть, умерщвлять, смертельно; 3. прекращать, прекращение, непрерывный; 4. непроходимость (закупорка), мешающий, закупоривать; 5. выздороветь, выздоровление



Повторение: Времена группы Continuous (Active and Passive Voice) (?? 11, 14)

Часть I

Слова к части I


Упражнение 1. Найдите сказуемые в следующих предложениях. Определите их время и залог.

1. All control patients were receiving oxygen over a period of two hours.

2. In order to analyse the changes in recumbent B.P. (blood pressure) after the analgetic injections, the patients have been divided in two groups.

3. 8 or 9 patients who were being injected with pentazocine for ten minutes showed a rise of B.P. 4. Other studies have suggested that pentazocine produces less sedation than the narcotics. 5. The patient had signs of severe congestive failure due to aortic insufficiency. 6. When the attendant physician entered the ward, patient P. was being injected aminophylline intravenously.

Упражнение 2. Напишите исходные слова к нижеприведенным производ- ным и переведите их.

inside, specialized, irritation, respiratory, eventually, mucopurulent,

inflammation, bacterial, staining, to discharge

Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения и словосочетания.

1. bronchial tree; 2. the smoke irritates my eyes; a muscle contracts when irritated by electricity; 3. to be infected with diphtheria; to spread by infection; infection may be carried through the air

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное содержание каждой части.

Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.

1. Is the upper or lower part of the respiratory tract affected more often? 2. What happens to the mucous membrane when it is being inflamed? 3. What does the term «catarrh» indicate and what is the condition of catarrhal inflammation characterized with? 4. What causes bronchitis? 5. What are the symptoms of chronic bronchitis?

Text A

Infections of the Respiratory Tract

1. While the slides were being prepared the lecturer announced the theme to be discussed. He said: «The respiratory tract is subject to infection more frequently than any other part of the body. Respiratory infections stand third as a cause of deaths; they lead all other causes between ages of fifteen and thirty-five. The upper portion of the respiratory tract, the nose, throat and trachea, are affected more often than the lower, the bronchi and lungs. The deeper the inflammation, the more serious are its consequences; pneumonia is frequently fatal. Inflammation of the deeper respiratory structures results from a downward extension of a comparatively harmless inflammation in the upper structures.»

2. All the respiratory passages, except the deepest structures of the lungs, are covered with the mucous membrane; when this tissue becomes inflamed it is being swollen and there is a profuse flow of mucus. Pus resulting from bacterial action is mixing with the mucus, making it opaque and white or staining it yellow; the discharge is then said to be mucopurulent. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is of the so-called catarrhal type; the term «catarrh» indicates a chronic state of inflammation.

Chronic Bronchitis

3. The inside of the bronchioles is lined with a highly specialized membrane. This membrane has a layer of mucus to trap the foreign matter that have entered the lungs. Millions of hairlike cilia are constantly sweeping the layer of mucus with its trapped foreign particles upward to the throat where it is being swallowed.

4. Repeated irritation of this ciliated mucous membrane can paralize the action of the cilia, eventually destroy them and stimulate an excessive production of mucus. This is the condition known as chronic bronchitis. Since the cilia can no longer clear the lungs of mucus, it accumulates until the flow of air through the bronchioles is obstructed. This obstruction then evokes coughing that helps to clear the lungs. Frequent coughing is the most important, prominent symptom of chronic bronchitis. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath1 and wheezing.

5. The main treatment of chronic bronchitis consists of eliminating the irritation that causes it. The source of irritation is often smoking tobacco. The so-called «smoker's cough» is in reality a symptom of chronic bronchitis. The first step in treating any lung disorder is to stop smoking. Coughing itself can contribute to the irritation of the bronchioles. If the source of irritation is an infection the disease will be receiving the treatment of a physician.


1. shortness of breath одышка

Упражнение 7. Заполните пропуски словами until, since, than, that, above all.

1. The upper portion of the respiratory tract is affected more often ... the lower one. 2. ... the cilia can no longer clear the lungs of mucus it accumulates ... the flow of air through the bronchioles is obstructed.

3. This obstruction then evokes coughing ... helps to clear the lungs.

4. ... chronic bronchitis should receive the treatment of a physician.

Упражнение 8. Определите значения выделенных слов в данных предло- жениях.

1. The cilia can no longer clear (разгружать, освобождать) the lungs. 2. Frequent coughing is the most prominent (заметный, известный, важный) symptom of chronic bronchitis. 3. The first step in treating (лечение, обработка) any lung disorder is to stop smoking.

Упражнение 9. Спишите первый абзац текста А и подчеркните в нем слова, которые могут быть опущены.

Упражнение 10. Прочтите и переведите письменно пятый абзац текста А.

Упражнение 11. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст, найдите глаголысказуемые во временах группы Continuous.

Mrs. Smith had bronchial asthma for four years, before she was admitted to the Maudslay Hospital in February 2002 at the age of 26. Her parents and younger brother were ill. Her paternal grandmother, who died at 70, was asthmatic. Her first attack of asthma awoke her at five o'clock one morning in November when she was 22: «I felt terrible, I thought, I was choking. It felt as though my throat was shutting up.» She thought she was dying. The attack subsided without treatment after half an hour. Thereafter Mrs. Smith was frightened of the asthma itself and her attacks became more frequent and more severe. Since October 2001 even the earliest symptoms of asthma had frightened her: «I feel a tightening up of my chest; then I am gasping for breath, then the wheezing starts; then I have a choking feeling in the back of my throat. Then I just panic and get worse and worse.» When she was admitted she was in status astmaticus. She was anxious, but not depressed; her intelligence was average; and she was beginning to regard her asthma as a nervous illness. In the hospital Mrs. Smith was treated with prednizolone by mouth, supplemented by hydrocortisone intravenously, isoprenaline inhalations, ephedrine, and phenobarbitone. As her sputum was occasionally purulent, tetra- cycline was added. Throughout March she had only four mild attacks which settled within ten minutes. During these brief episodes she was noticeably free from anxiety. She went home early in April 2002, taking prednizolone 25 mg by mouth. On this outpatient treatment her asthma quickly subsided.

Упражнение 12. Составьте план текста А письменно.

Часть II Слова к части II


Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст В (10 мин.). 1) Разделите его на смысловые части. 2) Найдите и переведите глаголы-сказуемые во временах группы Continuous в действительном и страдательном залоге.

Text В Tobacco and its Effects

Tobacco smoking is probably the most widespread and dangerous drug usage. The cigarette consumption has generally been subject to certain factors. For example, the greatest increases in smoking have occurred during wars.

The main reason for this periodic increase was that the population in general experienced increased tension. Another reason for this increase during wartime was that young soldiers were being introduced to smoking as a tension reliever.

Despite public information campaigns on the subject, too few smokers realize the degree and extent of damage to their bodies associated with cigarette smoking.

Minor ailments directly related to smoking compete with the common cold1 as major causes of the time lost from work and studies.

Recently, studies of large groups of people have shown that cigarette smokers are more likely to die of certain cardiovascular diseases than non-smokers. A cause and effect association has theoretically been established between cigarette smoking and incidence of coronary attacks in humans, especially men between 35 and 55 years of age. The risk of death in male cigarette smokers in relation to non-smokers is greater in middle age than in old age. Smoking is being increasingly linked to the development of respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis and emphysema. Air pollution and respiratory infections as well as smoking cause and aggravate chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Fig. 15. Alveoli in normal lung tissue and emphysema

Smokers are not only polluting their own air with their cigarettes but are subjecting non-smokers, who make up three quarters of the population, to nearly the same health risk. Subjected to the effects of sidestream smoke, non-smokers may breathe in many of the toxic chemicals of the cigarette from the environment they are in and are, in fact, «passively smoking». «Side-stream smoke» produced from the burning end of the cigarette contains very high concentrations of toxic chemicals which are usually perceived as unpleasant by both smokers and non-smokers.

Allergic reaction to smoke is common. Asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema or ischemic heart disease sufferers experience reactions to passive smoking that range from mild nasal congestion and eye irritation to headache, dermatitis and even a few life-threatening asthmatic attacks. People with advanced respiratory and cardiac breath literally fight for life.

Tobacco contains more than hundred known chemical compounds including nicotine. Some of the substances found in tobacco remain in the ashes of a burned cigarette; others are greatly changed during the burning process. Moreover, additional compounds are being produced during combustion, and it is some of these materials that are of great concern to scientists and physicians. The composition of the cigarette smoke that enters the human body has been the primary aim of most analytical studies.

Nicotine and at least 15 other compounds found in cigarette smoke are known to be cancerogens - cancer-causing substances. When a person inhales cigarette smoke, the smoke is passing down the trachea (windpipe) to the bronchial tubes and into the lungs. Autopsies of hundreds of human lungs have shown that it is precisely in these areas of maximum exposure that precancerous changes are most likely to appear.

Thus there are some relationships between smoking, lung cancer, and many other respiratory conditions. Furthermore, cigarette smoke is itself an irritant. Heavy smokers feel this irritation in their throats and will be developing «smoker's cough» after a few years of smoking.


1. common cold простуда

Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их.

1. The cigarette consumption has been subject to certain factors. 2. Few smokers realize the degree of damage to their bodies associated with cigarette smoking. 3. Allergic reaction to smoke is common. 4. Tabacco contains hundred chemical compounds. 5. Cigarette smoke is an irritant.

Упражнение 3. Опишите вид альвеол в норме и при эмфиземе, используя текст и рис. 15.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающее упражнение к уроку 17

Укажите, в каких предложениях глагол-сказуемое стоит в форме страдательного залога во временах группы Continuous.

1. Neither antibiotic was being used in the course of treatment. 2. Now everything is done to prevent respiratory diseases. 3. 10 of twenty experimental patients who thought that they were inhaling irritants or allergens developed chronic asthma. 4. We were giving penicillin to the patients with bronchitis from April to May and came to the conclusion that it is not helpful in this case. 5. A new drug is being tested successfully at the Department of clinical pharmacology. 6. The percentage of patients with serum hepatitis has been increasing since the first publication,

(Ответ: 1, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ? 14 Грамматического справочника.)



Повторение: Модальные глаголы can, may, must и их эквиваленты! (? 17)

Часть I

Слова к части I


Упражнение 1. Напишите следующие предложения: а) в прошедшем времени; б) в будущем времени. Переведите предложения.

1. You must follow all the new important medical researches in your field. 2. By means of spirometry the dynamic lung volumes may be assessed without difficulty. 3. He must investigate a series of case reports before the lecture. 4. You may take your analyses in the laboratory. 5. Chronic inhalation of cadmium fumes can cause chronic progressive emphysema.

Упражнение 2. Переведите следующие предложения с модальными глаголами: can, could, may, might, must, shall.

1. We could not detect any antibiotic activity in the sputum of our patients. 2. The pre-treatment strains of two patients may be assumed to be sensitive to streptomicin. 3. Thinking about asthma or hearing a description of an attack can even provoke asthma. 4. Every physician must know the pathology of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. 5. Heavy physical activity shall not be resumed within the first three months after an attack of myocardial infarction. 6. Professor explained that dogs inhaling cigarette smoke over long periods might develop lung damage.

Упражнение 3. Дайте исходные слова к нижеприведенным производным. stimulation, population, lining, investigation, accompanying

Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.

1. to investigate - investigator, investigation, investigatory; 2. bile - biliary, bile-stained, bile-stone; 3. to complicate - complicated, uncomplicated, complication; 4. serum - sera, serous

Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите данные словосочетания.

bile duct, bile colic (calculus), complicated system (problem, mechanism, apparatus), complicated disease

Упражнение 6. Просмотрите текст А и скажите, сколько типов желтухи описано в тексте.

Text A Jaundice

1. Perhaps the most obvious symptom that may result from disease of the liver or biliary passages is jaundice, and the estimation of the level of bilirubin in the serum is to be therefore frequently carried out in the investigation of a case of liver disease.

2. The fact that sera from different cases of jaundice can give different types of reaction has been used as a basis for differentiating between different types of jaundice. Jaundice should be divided into three main types, viz.: obstructive jaundice, hepatocellular or «toxic» jaundice (with or without some degree of accompanying obstruction) and hemolytic jaundice. In uncomplicated obstructive jaundice, liver function is largely or wholly normal, so that the bile pigments are excreted normally into the bile passages; but owing to the presence of some obstruction (either a stone impacted in the common bile duct, or obliteration of the duct by a carcinoma of the head of the pancreas) the bile is unable to enter the duodenum and has instead to be re-absorbed into the circulation. In hepatocellular jaundice the function of the liver cells is changed so that they can not excrete the normal amount of bile pigment reach- ing them in the blood stream. In this case bilirubin level gradually rises. In hemolytic jaundice the excessive amounts of bile pigment (which are formed as a result of the excessive red cell destruction) are incompletely excreted by the liver cells and have been re-absorbed from the obstructive bile passages. In hepatocellular or obstructive jaundice the excess of circulating pigment has not passed through the liver cells.

Упражнение 7. Просмотрите текст А и найдите предложения, в которых описываются симптомы каждого типа желтухи.

Упражнение 8. Найдите в тексте ответы на следующие вопросы и зачи- тайте их.

1. What procedure has to be performed to diagnose a liver disease? 2. How can a doctor differentiate between the types of jaundice? 3. How

many types of jaundice are there? 4. How does the function of the liver change in the cases of hepatocellular jaundice?

Упражнение 9. Прочтите и переведите данные слова.

perhaps, the fact that..., viz. (videlicet), so ... that, whereas

Упражнение 10. Составьте план текста А письменно.

Упражнение 11. Перепишите схему в тетрадь. Дополните ее.

1. 2. 3.

Упражнение 12. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами can, could; may, might; must; should.

1. If you are ill you ... consult a physician and ... do what he says. 2. Since one pack of 20 cigarettes contains 30 mg of cadmium, it is possible that chronic inhalation of cigarette smoke ... lead to an enhanced cadmium intake. 3. The patient who receives the blood of the diseased donor ... develop a positive test for the hepatitis antigen shortly after transfusion. 4. This patient had received 1 unit of blood at operation and ... have viral hepatitis. 5. The patients with jaundice ... be immediately transferred to an infectious hospital. 6. Sera from apparently healthy blood donors ... be always tested for the presence of hepatitits antigen.

Упражнение 13. Переведите следующие предложения с модальными глаголами и их эквивалентами.

1. Infectious hepatitis with a short incubation period can also be transmitted during blood transfusion. 2. There is experimental evidence that the passive administration of IgG antibody interferes with the synthesis of IgM antibody and in this way is able to alter the immune response. 3. Some researchers suggest that the differences between serum hepatitis and infective hepatitis might depend on whether a common causative agent is or not bound by antibody. 4. The strong association of the hepatitis antigen with acute viral hepatitis increases the

suspicion that donor blood containing the antigen may be infectious. 5. You should take the drug three times a day before meals. 6. We had to examine samples from normal subjects who had been exposed to hepatitis. 7. Convalescent sera from patients with hepatitis may contain trace amounts of antibody and require further study. 8. 10 patients were to be studied with a clinical picture quite compatible with acute hepatitis. 9. We were allowed to follow up sera in 27 of 49 experimental patients with positive reactions for hepatitis.

Часть II

Слова к части II


Упражнение 1. Определите значения указанных слов в данных словосоче- таниях и предложениях.

1. condition - состояние, условие, заболевание; in good, bad con- dition; under favourable conditions; Ulcer is a common condition in any country. The patient is in a critical condition.

2. to recognize - распознавать, признавать; An emotional stress is a commonly recognized factor. The disease is easily recognized.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Разделите его на смысловые части. 2) Найдите и переведите предложения с модальными глаголами и их заменителями.

Text В Peptic Ulcer

Ulcer is a common condition.

What causes ulcers? A peptic ulcer, as the name says, is an erosion in the lining of the digestive tract as a result of the action of the enzyme pepsin. An increase in the acid content of the gastric juice starts pepsin

digesting the mucosa. Most of the symptoms are ascribed to the high degree of acidity of the juice. Not all persons with hyper-acidity must develop ulcers. The second, commonly recognized factor is emotional stress. Emotional stress produces conditions especially favourable to ulcer formation. Peptic ulcer disease can be called a psychosomatic disease; an actual bodily ailment, produced, or at least aggravated, by the mental and emotional state.

There are two very distinctive varieties of peptic ulcer - gastric and duodenal. Although they are found in two different places-the stomach and the duodenum respectively - they look alike and cause similar distress. Gastric ulcer is caused by the hormone gastrin, secreted during the gastric phase of digestion. Distention of the stomach lining causes gastrin to be secreted from the antrum; gastrin in turn stimulates the gastric glands to work overtime. Gastric ulcers bleed into the stomach and may actually perforate the stomach wall.

Duodenal ulcer, found in the first ten inches of the small intestine, is four times as common as gastric ulcer. This is the «ulcer of stress» mentioned earlier, though the psychic factor is also present in other forms. The patient usually complains of a pain and «heartburn» after meals (within the first hour in case of gastric ulcer, from three to four hours after meal in duodenal ulcer). Besides the pain which the patient is often unable to bear, he may also suffer from frequent vomiting. If the gastric juice shows an abnormal concentration of HCl1, the diagnosis is practically certain.

Since the secretion of gastric juice is excessive in all forms of peptic ulcer, proper diet should be neccessary for the suppression of secretion. This means that the diet, instead of being appetizing, has to be monotonous, in order to suppress the appetite juice. Meat and alcohol are to be forbidden.


Упражнение 4. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их вслух.

1. Ulcer is a common condition. 2. The first cause of peptic ulcer is an increase in the acid content of the gastric juice. 3. Not all persons with hyperacidity develop ulcers. 4. Gastric ulcer may perforate the stomach wall. 5. Duodenal ulcer is the ulcer of stress. 6. The proper diet should be nesessary for normal secretion.

1HCl hydrochloric-acid - соляная кислота

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите еще раз текст В и выпишите предложения, несущие, на ваш взгляд, наиболее важную информацию.

Упражнение 6. Передайте краткое содержание текста, используя предыдущие упражнения и слова к тексту В.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 18

Упражнение 1. Укажите, в каких предложениях модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты выражают долженствование.

1. As the proportion of low titre sera was so high among hepatitis patients, the percentages of anticomplementary sera had to be calculated. 2. You should use ampicillin intramuscularly for treatment of this infection. 3. Donors with a history of hepatitis are not allowed to give blood. 4. Two of 18 patients were to receive spaced transfusions during their hospitalization. 5. Since the antibodies in commercial γ- globulin have a half-life of about 32 days, high levels of hepatitis «antibody» from the two injections must be present in the majority of patients.

(Ответ: 1, 2, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ? 17 Грамматического справочника.)

Упражнение 2. Найдите в левой колонке перевод слов из правой колонки.

1. to bring about 1. обращаться к кому-л.; применять

2. lesion 2. конкурирующий, конкурсный

3. to apply 3. еда, принятие пищи

4. application 4. быть причиной, вызывать

5. competitive 5. гниение, разложение, гнилость

6. putrefaction 6. рана, поражение

7. a meal 7. применение

(Ответ: 1-4, 2-6, 3-1, 4-7, 5-2, 6-5, 7-3.)

Упражнение 3. Прочтите данные предложения и скажите, соответствуют ли действительности упоминаемые в них факты.

1. Both duodenal and gastric ulcers are caused by hypersecretion of gastric juice. 2. Gastric digestion is brought about by putrefaction. 3. Pure pancreatic juice or bile alone can produce a destruction of mucosa. 4. In the interval between meals minimal secretion of gastric

juice occurs in healthy individuals. 5. Physiologic mechanism of regulating gastric secretion has been worked out by experimental studies on higher animals.



Повторение: Функции причастий (?? 20, 21)

Часть I Слова к части I


Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст. Найдите пред- ложения, где употребляются I и II формы причастий.

Patients with diseases requiring very large numbers of blood transfusions are presumably exposed to hepatitis repeatedly and might be expected to possess antibody against the hepatitis virus(es) or its products. When employing sera from such repeatedly transfused individuals as antisera, Blumberg et al. found an antigen in the serum of an Australian aborigine which has become known as the Australia antigen. On the basis of population studies it was originally proposed that the Australia antigen was another example of a genetically determined human trait. Recently, however, the association of the Australia antigen with viral hepatitis has been appreciated, and it now appears that the observations reported on the occurrence of this factor can be explained on an infectious basis. Using similar methods, Prince has reported the finding of an antigen in patients with serum-hepatitis (S.H. antigen), it being absent in patients with infectious hepatitis.

As previously mentioned, it seems likely that the Australia antigen and the S.H. antigen are related, but uncertainty exists as to whether they are immunologically identical or only similar.

We have detected a specific antigen in a high percentage (80%) of patients with both forms of viral hepatitis. Patients studied were from the wards and clinics of the Presbyterian, Francis Delafield, and Har- lem Hospitals of New York City. Clinical diagnoses were established on the basis of history, physical findings, and laboratory values, routine laboratory tests performed in the clinical laboratories of the respective hospitals by standard techniques.

Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите данные слова. Запомните их значение.

severe, anorexia, variable, albumin, calculus (pl. calculi) radiopaque, thigh, spontaneously, descent, morphine

Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите данные однокоренные слова.

1. ultimate, ultimately; 2. thigh, thigh-bone; 3. sign, to sign, signal, signature, sign-board; 4. to incise, incised, incision, incisive

Упражнение 4. Просмотрите текст А. Передайте основное содержание текста.

Text A Stones in the Kidneys

1. Clinical manifestation. In many instances stones are carried in the kidneys for years producing no symptoms. More commonly, a mild infection develops in the pelvis about the stone and gradually involves the cortex of the kidney until a severe pyelonephritis develops. If the stone is large, or several are present, the infection may progress to a pyelonephrosis, resulting in the destruction and ultimate loss of the kidney. Mild fever, pain, malaise and anorexia are usually present. Pus and a variable amount of albumin are present in the urine. Such symptoms as frequency of urination and mild burning pain usually accompany infection of this type. The diagnosis of renal calculi can be made by an X-ray film since most of these stones contain sufficient calcium to be radiopaque.

2. The most dramatic manifestation of renal calculi is renal colic brought about by the entrance of a stone into the ureter and its passage downward to the bladder. The pain described usually radiates downward toward the thigh. Hematuria is a constant symptom and is an important diagnostic sign.

3. While passing slowly, the stone may develop infection and pus as well as bacteria will be found in the urine. Fever is absent except the

instances when the obstruction is present long enough to allow the development of infections. On rare occasions the stone produces sufficient ulceration in the ureter during its passage. Differentiation of renal colic from other acute abdominal conditions can usually be made by urine examination, and X-ray.

4. Treatment. Unless the renal stone is «silent», treatment should be directed toward its removal. Most stones having entered the ureter will pass spontaneously into the bladder by the prescuption of conservative treatment such as forcing fluid, sedation, etc. During the attack of colic analgetics may be required to control the pain; if after many days, there is no evidence of progression in the descent of the stone, ureteral catheterisation may be used in dislodging it. On rare occasions an operation (usually extra-peritoneal with incision into the ureter) should be performed to remove the stone. Large stones in the kidney cannot be passed by way of the ureter and if symptoms are produced operation is necessary. If the stones are present in both kidneys, it is usually preferable to operate first on the kidney with the poorer function, since the operation may produce a temporary anuria; if the better kidney is the one operated on first, and temporary anuria results, a fatal outcome may follow.

Упражнение 5. Просмотрите текст А еще раз и перечислите основные симптомы и способы лечения мочекаменной болезни.

Упражнение 6. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы и зачитайте их.

1. Do stones in kidneys usually produce pyelonephritis? 2. What symptoms help to diagnose renal calculi? 3. What is renal colic and how does it manifest? 4. When is conservative treatment used in cases of renal calculi? 5. What kidney is operated on first if the stones are present in both of them and why?

Упражнение 7. Напишите возможные сочетания: а) глаголов и существи- тельных; б) прилагательных и существительных.

Упражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите аннотации. Скажите, какая из них передает содержание текста наиболее адекватно и более полно отвечает требованиям, предъявляемым к аннотации.

Stones in the Kidneys Clinical manifestation

Very often an infection about the stone causes pyelonephritis or pyelonephrosis, resulting in the loss of the kidney.

The symptoms are mild fever, pain, malaise, anorexia, pus and albumin in the urine, frequency of urination and mild burning. The diagnosis can be made by X-raying. The pain toward the thigh, hematuria, on rare occasions ulceration in the ureter, fever are signs and symptoms of renal colic. Treatment should be directed toward its removal unless the stone is «silent».

Stones in the Kidneys Clinical manifestation

In many instances for years without symptoms. More commonly a mild infection about the stone develops into pyelonephritis or if the stone is large, into pyelonephrosis. Mild fever, pain, malaise and anorexia, pus and albumin in the urine, frequency of urination and mild burning pain accompany this infection. The diagnosis can be made by an X-ray film. Renal colic is brought about by the entrance of a stone into the ureter while passing downward to the bladder. The pain described radiates toward the thigh. Hematuria is a diagnostic sign.

If the stone is not passed rapidly, infection may develop: pus in the urine, fever, when obstruction is present. Ulceration in the ureter is rare. Urine examination and X-ray help to diagnose renal colic. Treatment. If the stone is «silent», conservative treatment such as forcing fluid, sedation, etc., is prescribed. Analgetics may be required during the attack of colic. Ureteral catheterization, on rare occasions extra-peritoneal operation with incision into the ureter is necessary. If the stones are present in both kid- neys, it is preferable to operate first on the kidney with the poorer function.

Упражнение 9. Раскройте скобки, выбрав нужную форму причастия. Переведите предложения.

1. One week prior to the admission, the patient developed diarrhea (associated, associating) with weakness, fever and general malaise. 2. That report describes an (immuno suppressing, immuno suppressed) patient with mucosal and serosal ulcerations of the stomach, jejunum, ileum and ascending colon. 3. Stones are often carried in the kidneys for years (producing, produced) no symptoms. 4. The ulcer most common-

ly (associated, associating) with the gastrointestinal system is the peptic ulcer (occurring, occurred) as a gastric or duodenal ulcer. 5. The result of nephrolithiasis may be obstruction of the kidney, ureter, or bladder leading to (increased, increasing) pressure behind the stone.

Упражнение 10. Замените причастные обороты придаточными предложе- ниями, сделав соответствующие изменения, согласно образцу; используйте союзы или союзные слова as, and, when, which.

Образец: The usual manifestation of renal calculi is renal colic brought about by a stone in the kidney or ureter. The usual manifestation of renal calculi is renal colic which is brought about by a stone in the kidney or ureter.

1. The conditions for stone formation are: a cavity containing a fluid; the fluid having salts in solution. 2. The salts held in solution in the fluid are deposited on the foreign substances. 3. The foreign objects forming stones in the kidneys and bladder are bacteria and the small shreds of mucus. 4. All experimental patients described here had stones in the bladder. 5. When collected in polypropylene bottles the urine was kept in refrigerated lockers.

Упражнение 11. Опишите виды камней при мочекаменной болезни, используя текст и рис. 16.

Часть II Слова к части II


Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст В (10 мин). 1) Скажите, о каких заболева- ниях идет речь в тексте и существует ли какая-либо взаимосвязь между ними. 2) Найдите предложения: а) где употребляются I и II формы причастий; б) определите их функции. 3) Переведите эти предложения.

Text В Kidney Diseases

There are three structures of the kidney which are susceptible to disease: the glomeruli, the tubules and the blood vessels. However, it is

rare that only one of these structures is affected; what happens to one frequently affects the others as well.

The disease in which the glomeruli are particularly involved is called glomerulonephritis. It may be acute or chronic, the first frequently leading to the second. It is often a sequel1 to such a childhood infectious disease as scarlet fever. In glomerulo-nephritis, the glomeruli become clogged with exudate and cell debris so that the blood no longer flows through them. Here a clearance test is useful; it will show that much smaller quantities of filtrate are being formed than normally. The glomeruli being still open become permeable to protein and albuminuria becomes very marked. This leads to edema.

Diseases involving the tubules are called nephroses. They are usually caused by poisons of various kinds, such as mercury, bismuth, uranium, or carbolic acid. Some degree of tubular degeneration occurs, however, in such diseases as diabetes, malaria and pernicious anaemia2, and also in traumatic shock. Finally, athero-sclerosis of the kidney may occur, reducing the total blood flow through the kidney's blood vessels.

What happens to the kidneys when incompatible blood has been used in a transfusion? Hemolysis of red cells occurs, of course, and the liberated hemoglobin circulates in the blood. Passing through the kidney, hemoglobin (although its molecular weight is 68,000) passes through the membrane into the tubules. If the amount is small, reabsorption occurs, but in the amounts increased after an incompatible transfusion the hemoglobin, passing through the tubules, is precipitated. This blocks the tu-

Fig. 16. Urinary casts.

sequel - следствие.

pernicious anaemia [s'nimp] - злокачественная анемия.

bules; they cease to function and finally die. Patients having received the wrong type of blood can often be saved if the blood is thoroughly alkalinized; an alkaline filtrate is formed and thus prevents precipitation.

A common disease of the kidney, known as Bright's disease, includes a number of different conditions. Bright was a physician establishing a connection between degenerative changes in the kidney and the presence of albumin in the urine. The discovery of albumin in the urine usually indicates a faulty working of the kidneys. It means that albumin from the blood plasma is being allowed to pass through the renal tubules, and thus be excreted in the urine. At the same time the damaged tubules fail to eliminate fluid. This fluid collects in the tissues and causes swelling, or edema, of various parts of the body. The fluid is more likely to collect in the legs and in the eyelids. Hence the puffy face and swollen legs of the sufferers from advanced Bright's disease.

It must not be assumed, however, that the presence of a small amount of albumin in the urine is necessarily a sign of Bright's disease. It is often transient and of no great significance.


Упражнение 2. Найдите в тексте В предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений, и прочтите их вслух.

1. There are three structures of the kidney which are susceptible to disease. 2. A clearance test is a diagnosing procedure in glomerulonephritis. 3. Nephroses are caused by poisons. 4. The patients who have received the wrong type of blood can be saved. 5. The presence of albumin in the urine is a symptom of a number of conditions known under the heading of Bright's disease.

Упражнение 3. Назовите заболевания почек, описанные в тексте В.

Часть III

Контрольно-обобщающее упражнение к уроку 19

Найдите в следующих предложениях причастия, выполняющие функцию определения.

1. Case 5 had his blood pressure raised over all period of investigation. 2. Transient or reversible albuminuria accompanied by oliguria and highly concentrated urine can be due to functional changes in the

glomerular membrane. 3. When damaged the glomerular epithelium becomes permeable to the blood coloids. 4. Oliguria or decreased secretion of urine, may be due to a number of renal factors. 5. Albuminuria is common in passive congestion accompanying cardiac decompensation. 6. Intravenous pyelography having been performed, the patient was operated on.

(Ответ: 1, 2, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ?? 20, 21 Грамматического справочника.)