Английский язык : учебник / И. Ю. Марковина, З. К. Максимова, М. Б. Вайнштейн; - 4-е изд., испр. и перераб. - 2010. - 368 с.
1. Условные предложения (? 31)
2. Различные функции глаголов shall, will, should, would (? 33)
Часть I
Слова к части I
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие условные предложения на русский язык.
The experiment would be ready by the end of the month if they supplied
us with all the necessary material on the problem. 2. If a transverse
section is made through the cerebral hemispheres, the inner white
matter and the embedded grey matter may be observed. 3. All sensations
such as touch, pain and temperature are lost if cerebral hemispheres
are destroyed.
4. If
a piece of ice were placed against the skin, it would cause a sudden
change in environment of the body and the sensation of cold would
5. If a man touches hot water, he quickly withdraws his hand.
Упражнение 2. Напишите данные предложения так, чтобы они выражали маловероятное предположение.
Образец: If they get all the necessary material, they will be able to go on with their experiment.
If they got all the necessary material, they would be able to go on with their experiment.
If an object passes in front of the eyes, the changes in the intensity
of the light stimulate the nerve endings in the eye. 2. If food is
taken into the mouth, stimulation of the various receptors in the
mucous membrane brings about reflex secretions. 3. If one can make a
nerve connection between the sensitive receptor cells of the ear and
the area in the brain associated with sight, it will be possible to
perceive, or «see» sounds.
Упражнение 3. Напишите данные предложения так, чтобы они выражали упущенную возможность совершить действие.
Образец: If the doctor knows the reason of the patient's trouble, he will help him immediately.
If the doctor had known the reason of the patient's trouble yesterday he would have helped him immediately.
If the cerebral cortex in this animal is completely removed, no
connection reflexes will be formed at all. 2. If she takes part in the
conference, she will make a good report. 3. If we use new apparatus, we
shall save much time. 4. If the surgeon on duty does not operate
patient N., serious complications may result.
Упражнение 4. Переведите следующие предложения c глаголами shall, will, should, would.
If you ascend in the atmosphere as in flying an airplane, climbing a
high mountain, or riding a fast elevator, the atmospheric pressure, and
that in the outer ear, will drop, while that in the middle ear remains
the same. 2. Damage to one side of the brain will cause paralysis on
the opposite side of the body. 3. He said he would prepare the report
on the functions of sense organs. 4. They shall attend this lecture by
all means. 5. There are certain aspects in the differential diagnosis
which should be considered whenever headache is found to be a
distressing complaint in a patient. 6. He would work in the
Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите данные гнезда слов.
to expect, expectable, expectance, expectant; 2. to facilitate,
facilities, facility; 3. heredity, hereditary, hereditarily; 4. part,
partial, particle
Упражнение 6. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.
desease, diseases of childhood, to suffer from a disease, disease
incidence, an expectant mother, a hereditary disease, partial pressure
Упражнение 7. Просмотрите текст А и скажите, что было известно о вирусах до изобретения электронного микроскопа и что нового узнали о вирусах после его изобретения.
Text A Viruses
1. For
three-quarters of a century, scientists have known that many diseases
of man, animals, plants and even of microorganisms are caused by
transmissible agents which cannot be seen under the light microscope,
they are so small that they can pass through filters fine enough to
hold back the most minute bacteria. These mysterious invisible agents
were given the generic name of viruses. In the 1930's, two great
discoveries were made which provided concrete informa- tion concerning
the nature of viruses. It was found that some of them would be
crystallized almost as readily as if they were ordinary chemical
2. Chemically,
the active virus particles were found to behave like giant molecules.
At about the same time, the electron microscope became available and
permitted pictures to be obtained of these crystals as well as of
particles present in fluids and other materials having virus activity.
Viruses would now be seen as concrete objects instead of being merely
3. The
first unexpected fact revealed by electron microscopy was that the
various viruses differ among themselves in shape and in size, as
various types of bacteria. The virologist can differentiate between
several types of viruses on the basis of their size and shape as
revealed by electron micrographs. For example, the vaccinia virus is
rather large. In contrast, the polioviruses are much smaller and yield
very characteristic crystals. As to the tobacco mosaic virus, it can be
crystallized in the form of thin needles having different lengths. The
viruses that attack bacteria, which are called bacteriophages, are
more complex, at least in
Many of them have a thin tail and a large round or cylindrical head.
Each active virus particle consists of at least two very different
types of structural components. One structure made up of nucleic acid,
carries the genetic hereditary characteristics of the virus. Another,
protein in nature, is thought to protect this genetic apparatus and to
facilitate its transfer from one infected cell to another. For example,
electron micrographs revealed that virus of tobacco mosaic consisted
of an inner constituent of nucleic acid lodged within an outer coat,
cylindrical in shape and made up of protein. The central structure, the
core, should be compared to the nucleus of ordinary cells in higher
organisms, which also contains large amounts of nucleic acid and also
carries the genetic endowment. In fact, the nucleic acid core of this
virus is its most essential constituent. However, proteins and nucleic
acids are not the only structural components of active viruses. Certain
viral particles have recently been shown to contain lipids as part of
their essential structures. High-magnification electron micrographs
will reveal furthermore that some of them possess a distinct membrane.
If we examined the structure of some of bacteria under
highmagnification electron microscope we should see that they possess a
distinct membrane.
Упражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Первый и второй абзацы переведите письменно.
Упражнение 9. Найдите в тексте А ответы на следующие вопросы.
What have scientists known about viruses until the electrone
microscope became available? 2. What two great discoveries were made in
the 1930's? 3. Can the virologists differentiate between the types of
viruses on the basis of their size or shape? 4. Are proteins and
nucleic acids the only structural components of active viruses?
Упражнение 10. Составьте письменно план текста А.
Упражнение 11. Найдите в каждом абзаце текста А предложение, выражающее основную мысль данного абзаца, и переведите его.
Упражнение 12. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, синонимичное по значению первому слову ряда.
ordinary - everyday, common, usual, often, habitual; 2. to reveal- to
detect, to open, to find, to show, to demonstrate; 3. remarkable -
usual, seldom, unusual, interesting; 4. material - findings,
essence,data, evidence, matter
Упражнение 13. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, противоположное по значению первому слову ряда.
inner - outside, out, outward, outer; 2. different - some, equal,
something, the same; 3. to facilitate - to prevent, to hamper, to
influence, to ignore; 4. within - out, outward, outer, out of, outside
Упражнение 14. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите функции глаголов: shall, should, will, would.
The most obvious properties of the ultramicroscopic viruses should be
classified according to a) their invisibility with ordinary microscope;
b) their refusal to multiply in artificial media; c) their ability to
pass filters which hold back the smallest known bacteria.
Упражнение 15. Переведите на английский язык данные предложения письменно.
1. Вирусы вызывают заболевания у людей, растений и даже микроорганизмов. 2. Вирусы табачной мозаики образуют крис- таллы в форме тонких иголок различной длины. 3. Некоторые вирусы, как показали последние исследования, в своей структуре помимо белка и нуклеиновой кислоты содержат липиды и оболочки.
Часть II Слова к части II
Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова.
microorganisms, chlorophyll, spores, to vary, variety, ocean,
especially, polluted, alkaline, reservoir, mucus, mucous
Упражнение 2. Дайте исходные слова, от которых образованы следующие производные. Переведите их на русский язык.
1. occurrence, occurrent; 2. moisten, moisture, moistureless; 3. distinctly, distinction, distinctive, distinctively
Упражнение З. Прочтите текст текст В (10 мин). 1) Разделите его на 2 части соответственно вопросам:
1. What are bacteria?
2. Where do they occur?
2) Найдите и переведите: а) условные придаточные предложения, которые выражают маловероятные предположения; б) предложения с многозначными глаголами shall, will, should, would.
Text В What are Bacteria?
rule the world. Man is dependent upon them from the day of his birth
until the hour of his death. They are man's most useful servants and
his most destructive masters. One is prone to ask: What are bacteria?
Where do they occur? What are their functions?
are minute single-celled living beings devoid of roots, leaves and
stems. They are so small that they can be seen only with the aid of a
powerful microscope; They are often spoken of as microorganisms. This
term includes not only bacteria but all forms of life so small that you
should require the microscope in their study. They are often referred
to as germs or microbes. The early investigators considered them
animals and would refer to them as «animalcules».
If we
examined the bacteria we should find that they have many of the
characteristics of animals. Some have the power of independent motion.
All are devoid of green colouring matter, chlorophyll; most of them are
compelled to live upon complex foods as do the animals. Their general
structure, their methods of growth, their formation of threads and
spores, and their simplicity in some of the lower forms of plant life,
have caused the biologist to class them as plants. However, it is
sible to make a clear-cut1
distinction between some microscopical plants and some microscopical
animals. The important thing to remember is that bacteria are the
simplest forms of life, and partake of the characteristics of both
plants and animals. For this reason, and for convenience, scientists
agree to consider the bacteria with the plants.
do bacteria occur? Bacteria are widely distributed, occurring nearly
everywhere. They are found in all natural soils, the number varying
with the kind of soil, quantity of plant and animal debris present,
moisture and treatment. They decrease in number with depth. Although
they occur in air, it is not their natural home as under ordinary
conditions they cannot grow and multiply in it. The number and variety
found in air vary. The atmosphere of some high mountains and the air
over the ocean far from shore may be free from bacteria. City and
country air also differ from each other in the number and kind of bac-
teria which they contain. There is a great variation in the air of
buildings. Bacteria are especially numerous where dust is plentiful.
Most natural waters contain many bacteria. In sewage and polluted waters2
they are especially numerous. If measures against pollution and
contamination of water were not taken in time there would be much
danger to people's health. They occur only in small numbers or not at
all in deep wells3 and springs.4 A turbid stream,
which contains the drainage of many cities, has a great variety and
number of bacteria in opposition to the clear, rapid flowing water of
uninhabited mountainous regions.
intestines, owing to their alkaline reaction and the partly digested
condition of their contents, are a great reservoir of bacteria. In the
upper part there are few, but in the descending colon billions of
bacteria are present. Sometimes they constitute one third of the total
dry contents of the intestine. The health of the individual is
determined by the number and kind of bacteria.
normal tissues and the blood of animals are usually free from
bacteria. If ordinary saprophytic bacteria entered the animal's body
they would be ingested and destroyed by leukocytes. Microorganisms are
rarely found on certain healthy mucous membranes, such as those of the
kidneys, bladder and lungs. Occasionally they pass through the skin or
the mucous membranes of the digestive tract after which they may be
found for a short time in the blood. In certain diseased conditions the
blood and tissues of man and lower animals become filled with
Functions of Bacteria. The
real significance of bacteria comes in the fact that we are living in a
world filled with them. They cannot be kept out of the
tract. Considerable attention should be given to the favouring of the
beneficial bacteria in man. The great Russian bacteriologist Mechnikov
claimed that the rate with which man ages would be determined not by
the years he has lived, but by the bacteria, which inhabit his
digestive system.
Упражнение 4. Составьте схему распространения бактерий в природе. Расскажите о присутствии бактерий в природе, используя текст и схему.
Упражнение 5. Найдите в тексте предложения, более полно выражающие мысль данных суждений.
Man is dependent upon bacteria. 2. Bacteria are very small. 3.
Bacteria are often spoken of as microorganisms. 4. They have many
characteristics of animals. 5. Some characteristics of bacteria have
caused the biologist to class them as plants. 6. We are living in a
world filled with bacteria.
Часть III
Контрольно-обобщающие упражнения к уроку 14
Упражнение 1. Найдите
условные придаточные предложения, которые выражают: а) маловероятное
предположение; б) упущенную возможность совершить действие. Переведите предложения.
If you observed bacterial protoplasm under the optical microscope, it
would appear simple in structure. 2. If the individual were in a
healthy state, a large quantity of virulent microorganisms entering the
body would be destroyed. 3. Certain water forms of bacteria, would
die, if they were held above
(Ответ: а) 1, 2, 3. б) 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ? 31 Грамматического справочника.)
Упражнение 2. Укажите, в каких предложениях слова shall, will, should,
would имеют модальное значение. Переведите эти предложения.
Great care should be taken in cultivating bacteria. 2. The water
should be kept clean by filtration and safe by desinfection with
destroy pathogenic and other forms of bacteria. 3. Pasteur could not
believe that two compounds which acted so differently in one respect
would be absolutely identical in every other way.
(Ответ: 1, 2, 4, 5. Если вы ошиблись, повторите ? 33 Грамматического справочника.)
Упражнение 3. Дайте форму множественного числа от следующих слов:
bacillus, bacterium, coccus, foot, virus, genus, spirillum (Ответ: bacilli, bacteria, cocci, feet, viruses, genera, spirilla.)
Упражнение 4. Выберите правильное значение выделенных слов.
1. Bacteria may occur (происходить, случаться; встречаться) free or in aggregates. 2. The smallest bacteria are beyond the range (линия, ряд; предел)
of our most powerful light microscopes. 3. The size of the
microscopical organisms can be estimated by filtration, consequently
they are referred to (направлять к ... ; упоминать; относить к ... ) as filtrable viruses. 4. Viruses attack all parts of the body except (исключая; помимо) the digestive system.