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Сообщество студентов Кировской ГМА

Февраля 09, 2025, 17:54:52

Автор Тема: Grammar and vocabulary test + COMPUTER TEST, 2nd YEAR (с ответами!) 2011  (Прочитано 38424 раз)


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1. I am  … medical student.
1) a*
2) an
3) the
4) no article

2. I am  … intelligent student.
1) a
2) an*
3) the
4) no article

3. I … from a prestigious high school with honors last year (two years ago).
1) graduated*
2) had graduated
3) had been graduated
4) all of the above

4. I decided to enter … Kirov State Medical Academy because it is one of the best medical school in Russia.
1) to
2) into
3) at
4) no preposition*

5. I … the Unified State Exams with excellent marks (scores) last year (two years ago).
1) passed*
2) had passed
3) was passing
4) all of the above

6. I …  at my medical school for a year (for two year)
1) study
2) am studying
3) have been studying*
4) had been studying

7. My medical school … on the 2nd of April 1987.
1) founded
2) was founded*
3) had been founded
4)all of the above

8) The medical school was organized ___ Professor Zhuravlev, the famous Russian surgeon.
1) with
2) by*
3) by means of
4) all of the above

9. My medical school … in Karl Marx Street.
1)   was located
2)   are located
3)   is located *
4)   locate

10. There … 7 faculties at my medical school.
1)   are*
2)   is
3)   am
4)   were

11. If all goes well my group mates and  I … from the medical school in 5 years (in 2016).
1) graduate
2) will graduate*
3) am graduating
4) all of the above

12. I usually ______ early in the morning.
1) am getting up
2) get up*
3)have got up
4) all of the above

13. I leave home for the medical school ____ half past seven.
1)   on
2)   in
3)   at*
4)   all of the above

14. We attend lectures … preclinical disciplines.
1)   in
2)   on*
3)   about
4)   all of the above

15. We take tests and/or exams ____ all the preclinical subjects.
       1) on
       2) about
     3) in*
     4) all of the above

16. Now we … a difficult multiple choice test.
1)   take
2)   are taking *
3)   were taking
4)   all of the above

17. My friend and I  … several difficult tests and exams very soon.
1)   will take*
2)   will be taken
3)   will have taken
4)   all of the above

18. Yesterday I … as busy as a bee from morning till night.
1) am
2) have been
3) was*
4) were

19. Of all the subjects, Anatomy and Histology are … subjects.
1)   the difficultest
2)   the most difficult*
3)   more difficult
4)   all of the above

20. English is … than all other preclinical disciplines.
1)   easy
2)   more easy
3)   easier*
4)   all of the above

21. I … several difficult tests.
     1) had already passed
     2) have already passed*
     3) was passing
     4) all of the above

22. At this time yesterday I … Anatomy.
1)   learn
2)   was learnt
3)   were learning
4)   was learning *

23. Senior medical students study a lot of clinical subjects such as … Internal Medicine, … Surgery, …Neurology, and …Obstetrics.
1) a
2) an
3) the
4) no article*

24. Senior students have medical practice at … best hospitals and medical centers of the city of Kirov.
1) a
2) an
3) the*
4) no article

25. When internship doctors my best friend and I will specialize … surgery.
1)   for
2)   on
3)   in *
4)   all of the above

26. During my internship course my best friend and I … in general surgery.
1)  major
2) will major*
3) are majoring
4) all of the above

27. After we complete our internship courses my best friend and  I …
a postgraduate research course.
1) do
2) will do*
3) will be doing
4) all of the above

28. My family and I live in … Kirov.
1) a
2) an
3) the
4) no article*

29. … city of Kirov is situated 986 km northeast of Moscow.
1) a
2) an
3) the*
4) no article

30. I … here since I was born (for over 18 years).
1)   live
2)   am living
3)   have been living
4)   all of the above   

31. We have … comfortable flat with all modern conveniences.
1) a*
2) an
3) the
4) no article

32. The flat is located on … fourth floor.
1) a
2) an
3) the*
4) no article

33.Ann usually … at seven o’clock in the morning.
1)   wake up
2)   woke up
3)   wakes up *
4)   all of the above

34. I usually go to my medical school … bus.
1) in
2) on
3) by*
4) all of the above

35. If the weather is fine I go to my medical school … foot
1) no preposition
2) on foot
3) with foot
4) all of the above

36. Our classes begin … 8 o’clock.
1)   on
2)   for
3)   in
4)   at *

37. … lunch I have salad to begin with, soup, meat or fish, and a cup of green tea. 
1) on
2) at
3) for*
4) all of the above

38.  We … wear clean shoes and white coats, otherwise we get reprimands from our professors.
1) have to*
2) may
3) can
4) all of the above

39. My favorite subject is … English.
1) a
2) an
3) the
4) no article*

40. I am very good … English
1) at*
2) on
3) for
4) all of the above

41. I … read and translate English medical texts very well.
1) may
2) can*
3) might
4) all of the above

42. I think I … know English very well because English is a must for a well educated doctor.
1) may
2) can
3) must*
4) all of the above

43. We are allowed to work at the academy’s data processing center. We … work with computer programs there between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. each day.
1) may*
2) might
3) could
4) all of the above

44. I … to foreign countries.
1) am never
2) have never been
3) had never been
4) all of the above

45. If I know English and clinical disciplines very well I…  a training course at a European medical school in three years.
1) shall (will) have*
2) have
3) am having
4) all of the above

46. Last year we had a press conference with Antonia Scheibliich, … intelligent German student.
1) a
2) an*
3) the
4) no article

47. Antonia Scheblich studies at … Goettingen Medical School.
1) a
2) an
3) the
4) no article*

48. The best medical students take part … student scientific conferences.
1) at
2) in*
3) on
4) all of the above

49. They make scientific reports … different problems of modern medicine.
1) on*
2) about
3) in
4) all of the above

50. If all goes well we’ll graduate from the medical school … 4 (5) years.
1) at
2) in*
3) on
4) all of the above


1. Give the most appropriate synonyms for the word “disease”:
1) illness
2) unfavorable medical condition
1)   3) medical disorder
2)   4) all of the above*

2. What do you do?
1)   I am fine
2)   I am a medical student *
3)   I am eighteen
4)   I am reading a book on Anatomy

3. Give the most appropriate synonym for the word “doctor”:
1) nurse
2) pediatrician
3) physician *
4) all of the above

4. I study __________such  as Anatomy, Histology, General Chemistry and Biochemistry.
1) preclinical subjects*
2) entrance examinations
3) educational departments
4) clinical disciplines

5. According to the structure,  all the muscles are divided into …..
1) skeletal or voluntary
2) smooth or involuntary
3) cardiac
4) all of the above*

6. What are you ___________ in? – I am _________ in English.
1) specialized
2) interested *
3) enjoyed
4) like

7. Platelets are _________.
1) red blood cells
2) lymphocytes
3) thrombocytes *
4) erythrocytes

8. Give a synonym for the word “sternum”:
1) clavicle
2) arm
3) breastbone *
4) trunk

9. The ________ of  Kirov State Medical Academy is Professor Igor V. Sheshunov.
1) deputy director
2) instructor
3) founder
4) head *

10. The gastrointestinal system is made up of __________.
1) esophagus
2) stomach
3) small and large intestines
4) all of the above*

11. Vessels carrying the blood AWAY from the heart are known as _________.
1) capillaries
2) arteries *
3) veins
4) all of the above

12. A recent medical graduate who gets training in a hospital and acts as an assistant physician is __________.
1) an intern *
2) a research post graduate
3) a surgeon
4) a nurse

13. The Internal Medicine Faculty  ______________  in September  1987.
1) was organized
2) was established
3) was founded
4) all of the above

14. __________ are responsible for clotting and coagulation.
1) plasma
2) leucocytes
3) germs
4) thrombocytes *

15. The average life ___________ for males in Russia is less than 60 years.
1) mortality
2) infant death rate
3) expectancy *
4) birth rate

16. The heart ____________ of 4 chambers: 2 atria and 2 ventricles.
1) is composed
2) consists
3) is made up 
4) all of the above*

17. Gas exchange takes place in the _________
1) bronchi
2) trachea
3) alveoli*
4) all of the above

18. I study at KSMA because I want to _________ people for different diseases.
1) help
2) treat
3) cure
4) all of the above*

19. Blood plasma is __________________ .
1) yellowish liquid that is part of the blood*
2) erythrocytes
3) leukocytes
4) thrombocytes

20. Red blood cells ________ oxygen from the lungs to the cells all over the body.
1) have
2) consist of
3) carry *
4) increase

21. Deoxygenated blood is blood rich in __________.
1) nutrients
2) carbon dioxide *
3) oxygen
4) all of the above

22. Give the most appropriate synonym for the word “mortality”:
1) death rate *
2) morbidity rate
3) natural growth rate
4) life expectancy

23. The _______ of Kirov Region is Kirov.
1) capital *
2) town
3) settlement
4) all of the above

24. The main __________ of Kirov Region are machines, timber, paper, tyres and electrical appliances.
1) crops
2) industries *
3) local divisions
4) noteworthy places

25. When we breathe in, the volume of the chest __________.
1) decreases
2) passes
3) increases *
4) all of the above

26. Leucocytes play an important role in _____________ of the body against various diseases.
1) protection *
2) support
3) movement
4) structure

27. Give the most appropriate synonym for the word “cranium”:
1) trunk
2) skull *
3) frontal bone
4) lobe

28. Academician Bekhterev was a well-known Russian __________.
1) psychiatrist *
2) hepatologist
3) cardiologist
4) cardiosurgeon

29. Academician Bakulev was a well-known Soviet __________.
1) psychiatrist
2) hepatologist
3) hepatosurgeon
4) cardiosurgeon*

30. Clinical evaluation includes __________________ .
1) history
2) physical examination
3) instrumental studies
4) all of the above*

31. The most common _____________ of MI are mid-chest pains, pains radiating to the left arm or lower jaw, and sweating.
1) symptoms
2) signs
3) clinical features and manifestations
4) all of the above*

32. Doctors use medicines and medical methods to cure patients’ illnesses.
Use the most appropriate synonym for the above underlined phrase:
1) operate
2) treat*
3) evaluate
4) investigate

33. Senior medical students study medical treatment in which a doctor cuts open patients’ bodies.
Use the most appropriate synonym for the above underlined phrase:
1)   therapy
2)   Chinese medicine
3)   surgery*
4)   all of the above

34. Give the most appropriate synonym for the word “medicine”:
1) medication
2) medical drug
3) pharmaceutical agent
4) all of the above*

35. Give the most appropriate synonym for the phrase “someone who stays and sleeps in hospital while he/she is getting treatment”:
1) outpatient
2) inpatient*
3) a person who undergoes immunization/vaccination
4) all of the above

36. Give the most appropriate synonym for the phrase “someone who receives medical treatment at a hospital but does not stay there for the night”:
1) outpatient*
2) inpatient
3) a person who undergoes immunization/vaccination
4) all of the above

37. Give the most appropriate synonym for the phrase “treatment and care of old people and their diseases”:
1) gerontology
2) geriatrics*
3) oriental medicine
4) surgery

38. Give the most appropriate synonym for the phrase “to stop a patient from being affected by an illness”:
1) to treat
2) to cure*
3) to examine
4) to evaluate

39. Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “the organ that allows you to think and feel, and controls your body”:
1) the spinal cord
2) the brain*
3) peripheral nerves
4) all of the above

40. Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “the organ that pumps blood around your body”:
1) the lungs
2) the brain
3) the heart*
4) the liver

41. Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “the organ that cleans your blood and produces bile”:
1) the pancreas
2) the gallbladder
3) the liver*
4) the kidneys

42. Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “one of the two organs in your body that clean your blood and remove waste”:
1) the lungs
2) the kidneys*
3) the small and large intestines
4) all of the above

43. Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “the small organ in your body that produces substances that help your stomach to process food”:
1) the pancreas*
2) the stomach
3) the gallbladder
4) the bladder

44.Give the most appropriate synonym for the term “natural increase”
1) population growth rate*
2) birth rate
3) life expectancy at birth
4) all of the above

45.Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “to examine a part of the body by pressing your fingers on it”:
1) to observe
2) to palpate*
3) to auscultate
4) all of the above

46. Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “the act of listening for sounds within the body”:
1) observation
2) palpatation
3) auscultatation*
4) percussion

47. Give the most appropriate synonym for the following definition “a part inside your body that is like a bag where urine collects before from the body being passed from the body”:
1) the gallbladder
2) the urinary bladder*
3) the kidneys
4) all of the above

48. What is the first leading cause of death in the developed countries?
1) cancer
2) pneumonia and influenza
3) cardiovascular diseases*

49. Smoking __________ serious lung diseases
1) leads to
2) results in
3) causes
4) all of the above*

50. Alcohol abuse may result in ____________
1) liver cirrhosis*
2) influenza
3) hepatitis A
4) hepatitis C

The human body consists of 9 main
1)   Organs 2) systems* 3) parts 4) elements

The ___ includes the nucleus, the membrane, and other parts
1) tissue2) system3) substance 4) cell*

An organ is a part of the body that ___ a specific function.
1)   has* 2) have 3) is having 4) had

___ are by Osteology.
1) skeleton 2) bone marrow 3) bones* 4) muscles

How ___ bones are there in the human body?
1) many*2) long 3) much 4) often

Women around the age of the menopause are in a risk group for ___.
1)   encephalitis 2) rhinitis 3) haemofilia 4) osteoporosis*

___ provide movement.
1) Muscle 2) Myology 3) Muscles* 4) Mice

Voluntary muscles ___ by the brain.
1) are controlled* 2) control 3) include 4) are classified

According to the structure all the muscles are divided into ___ and striated.
1) short 2) smooth* 3) supinators 4) skilled

You should have your биохимический анализ крови done.
1) chemical blood 2) chemistry 3) blood biochemistry 4) blood chemistry*

___ you allergic to any drugs?
1) are* 2) do 3) have 4) how

___ muscle is striated in structure and involuntary in nature.
1) Wide 2) Hard 3) cardiac* 4) cordial

Muscle ___ is a symptom of polymiositis.
1) weakness* 2) swelling 3) sweating 4) cell

Evaluation ___ 3 main stages.
1) consist of 2) consists 3) includes* 4) included

___ lifestyle and traumas are risk factors for muscle disorders.
1) Sentimental 2) Sedentary* 3) Splendid 4) Silly

Treatment includes ___ antibiotics.
1) oval 2) ok 3) only 4) oral*

___ have you smoked?
1) How 2) Why 3) How long* 4) Who

- ___
- I am an eye specialist.
1) What do you do?*2) What you do? 3) What do you? 4) What is you?

Muscles form 35 – 40% of ___.
1) waist 2) waste 3) body weight 4) weight body*.

Call your doctor when ___.
1)   Comfortable 2) convenient* 3) continent 4) immediately

You (to have) chest x-ray lately?
1)   Did you have chest x-ray lately?
2)   Do you have chest x-ray lately?
3)   Have you had chest x-ray lately?
4)   You have chest x-ray lately?
When you last (to give) chest x-ray?
1)   When will you last give chest x-ray?
2)   When are you last given chest x-ray?
3)   When were you last given chest x-ray?
4)   When are you last give chest x-ray?
You now (to take) antibiotics?
1)   Do you now take antibiotics?
2)   Are you now taking antibiotics?
3)   Are you now take antibiotics?
4)   Do you now taking antibiotics?
You (to be) sensitive or allergic to antibiotics?
1)   You are sensitive or allergic to antibiotics?
2)   Do you be sensitive or allergic to antibiotics?
3)   Do you be sensitive or allergic to antibiotics?
4)   Are you sensitive or allergic to antibiotics?
You ever (to have) seizures or convulsions?
1)   Do you ever have seizures or convulsions?
2)   Did you ever have seizures or convulsions?
3)   Are you ever have seizures or convulsions?
4)   Have you ever had seizures or convulsions?
You (to gain) or (to lose) more than 10 pounds in the last 6 months?
1)   Have you gained or lost more than 10 pounds in the last 6 months?
2)   Did you gain or lose than 10 pounds in the last 6 months?
3)   Do you gain or lose than 10 pounds in the last 6 months?
4)   Have you gain or lose more than 10 pounds in the last 6 months?
You (to lose) your interest in eating lately?
1) Have you lose your interest in eating lately?
2) Have you lost your interest in eating lately?
3) Did you lose your interest in eating lately?
4) Do you lose your interest in eating lately?
I …learn English because a well educated person should know this world language.
1) have to 2) should 3)must 4) can
I … work with English Internet websites very well now.
1) may 2) could 3) can 4) am to
How much you (to smoke) per day?
1)   How much do you smoke a day?
2)   How much you smoke a day?
3)   How much are you smoke a day?
4)   How much are you smoking a day?
You (to take) two or more alcoholic drinks a day?
1) You take two or more alcoholic drinks a day?
2) Do you take two or more alcoholic drinks a day?
3) Are you taking two or more alcoholic drinks a day?
4) Have you taken two or more alcoholic drinks a day?
You (to feel) bloated after eating?
1)   Do you feel bloated after eating?
2)   Do you feeling bloated after eating?
3)   Are you feel bloated after eating?
4)   You feel bloated after eating?
You (to suffer) discomfort in your stomach?
1) You suffer discomfort in your stomach?
2) You suffering discomfort in your stomach?
3) You suffer discomfort in your stomach, aren’t you?
4) Do you suffer discomfort in your stomach?
You easily (to become) nauseated?
1)   Are you easily become nauseated?
2)   Are you easily becoming nauseated?
3)   Do you easily become nauseated?
4)   You easily become nauseated?
You ever (to vomit) blood?
1)   Did you ever vomit blood?
2)   Have you ever vomited blood?
3)   Are you ever vomit blood?
4)   Are you ever vomiting blood?
It (to be) difficult or painful for you to swallow? 
1)   It is difficult or painful for you to swallow? 
2)   Does it difficult or painful for you to swallow? 
3)   Is it difficult or painful for you to swallow?
4)   Has it been difficult or painful for you to swallow?
You (to constipate) more than twice a month?
1)   Do you constipate more than twice a month?
2)   Will you constipate more than twice a month?
3)   Are you constipate more than twice a month?
4)   Are you constipated more than twice a month?
Your stool (to be) ever black or bloody?
1)   Is your stool ever black or bloody?
2)   Will your stool ever be black or bloody?
3)   Does your stool ever be black or bloody?
4)   Has your stool ever been black or bloody?
Have you had any bleeding from your rectum?
1)   No, I haven’t. 2) No, I am not. 3) No, I don’t. 4) No, I hadn’t.
The abnormal liver may (to weigh) 16 kilograms and even 20 kilograms.
1) to weigh 2) weighs 3) weigh 4) be weighed
The liver (to supply) by two major blood vessels on its right lobe.
1) supply 2) is supplied 3) supplies 4) is supply
Hepatitis (to cause) mainly by various viruses.
1) cause 2) causes 3) caused 4) is caused
The endocrine system (not to include) exocrine glands such as salivary glands, sweat glands and glands within the gastrointestinal tract.
1) isn’t include 2) isn’t included 3) doesn’t include 4) not include
The urinary system (to include) two kidneys, two ureters, the urinary bladder, two sphincter muscles, and the urethra.
1) includes 2) include 3) is included 4) including
In humans, the respiratory system (to consist) of the airways, the lungs, and the respiratory muscles.
1) consist 2) consists 3) consisting 4) will consist
The brain (to locate) within the cranial cavity, and the spinal cord (to locate) in the spinal cavity.
1) locate, locate 2) located, located 3) is locate, is locate 4) is located, is located
The CNS (to cover) by the meninges.
1) is covered 2) cover 3) covers 4) covered
The brain (to protect) by the skull, and the spinal cord (to protect) by the vertebrae.
1) protects, protects 2) protected, protected 3) is protected, is protected 4) protect, protect
Anatomically, the brain can (to divide) into three parts: the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
1) be divided 2) is divided 3) divide 4) to divide
The human spinal cord (to divide) into 31 different segments.
1) divided 2) divide 3) divides 4) is divided
The immune system (to protect) the body against bacteria and viral infections.
1) is protected 2) protects 3) protect 4) protecting
Eyes (to be) organs that detect light.
1) be 2) is 3) was 4) are
Skin (to make up) of multiple layers of epithelial tissues.
1) is made up 2) makes up 3) make up 4) made up
Skin (to have) pigmentation, or melanin, provided by melanocytes.
1) have 2) has 3) is having 4) is have
You (to cough up) much phlegm?
1)   Are you cough up much phlegm?
2)   You cough up much phlegm?
3)   Are you coughed up much phlegm?
4)   Do you cough up much phlegm?
You ever (to cough) up blood?
1)   Will you ever cough up blood?
2)   Did you ever cough up blood?
3)   Have you ever coughed up blood?
4)   Have you ever been coughing up blood?
You (to get) chest colds more than once a month?
1)   Do you get chest colds more than once a month?
2)   Are you get chest colds more than once a month?
3)   You get chest colds more than once a month?
4)   Have you get chest colds more than once a month?
You (to have) night sweats?
1)   Are you having night sweats?
2)   Do you have night sweats?
3)   Are you have night sweats?
4)   Can you have night sweats?
Are you sneezing?
1) Yes, I do. 2) Yes, I am. 3) Yes, I can. 4) I am sneezing.
Do you have a family history of a serious disease?
1) No, I am not. 2) No, I didn’t. 3) No, I haven’t. 4) No, I don’t.

Clinical Questions
The synonym for bowel is …
1) intestine 2) stomach 3) abdomen 4) alimentary tract

Most digestion occurs in the …
1) esophagus 2) duodenum 3) mouth 4) pancreas

The major function of the respiratory system is …
1) control of behavior 2) control body metabolism 3) gas exchange 4) drug detoxification

The most common symptoms of pneumonia include:
1) complications 2) productive cough 3) fever 4) nausea 5) shortness of breath

The synonyms for evaluation are:
1) examination 2) auscultation 3) palpation 4) investigation

The synonyms for to consist of are:
1) to divide 2) to include 3) to be composed of 4) to form

The synonyms for medicines are:
1) drugs 2) medications 3) doctors 4) treatment

The synonyms for give up smoking are:
1) start smoking 2) stop smoking 3) not smoke 4) avoid smoking

The most typical … of respiratory diseases are breathlessness, cough, wheezing, high temperature, and difficulty breathing.
1) risk factors 2) cases 3) symptoms 4) causes

What are the most effective visualizing methods of diagnosis?
1) temperature measurements  2) CT 3) blood tests 4) MRI 5) urinalysis 6) X-ray

What visualizing method is usually used to distinguish pneumonia and severe bronchitis?
1) CT 2) MRI 3) X-ray 4) temperature measurements

The daily recommended salt (sodium) intake is:
1) 2 teaspoons of salt or 4,800 mg of sodium
2) 1 teaspoon of salt or 2,400 mg of sodium
3) 4 teaspoons of salt or 9,600 mg of sodium
4) 1,5 teaspoon of salt or 3,600 mg of sodium

Typical adult resting breathing pattern has a breath rate of:
1) 10-20 breaths per minute.
2) 30-40  breaths per minute.
3) 40-60  breaths per minute.

Where is the stomach located?
1) The stomach lies between the esophagus and the first part of the small intestine (the duodenum).
2) The stomach lies above the esophagus.
3) It is on the left side of the abdominal cavity.
4) It is on the right side of the abdominal cavity.

Which of the following is a warning sign of a stroke?
1)   loss of speech or trouble talking
2)   loss of vision, particularly in one eye
3)   severe headache
4)   numbness or weakness on one side of the body
5)   all of the above symptoms

… is NOT a common symptom of most strokes.
1)   weakness 2) numbness 3) trouble talking 4) muscle pain 5) confusion

To reduce your risk of stroke
1)   maintain a sedentary lifestyle
2)   exercise regularly
3)   have more than two alcoholic drinks per day
4)   limit fat or oil added in cooking

Which of these can be a symptom of a heart attack, but is generally NOT a symptom of stroke?
1) aphasia 2) chest pain 3) altered vision 4) paralysis on one side of the body

… for bronchitis includes: oral antibiotics, bronchodilators, aerosols, inhalations, acetaminophen or aspirin for fever control.
1) evaluation 2) risk factors 3) causes 4) treatment

The lung is …
1) a part of a human body with specific functions
2) one of a pair of breathing organs in the chest
3) an organ in the chest which controls the flow of blood by pumping it to all the parts of the body
4) a large organ which clears the blood

The brain is …
1) an organ in the head which controls thought, hearing and feeling
2) a large organ which clears the blood
3) a bony part of the head and face
4) a fluid tissue composed of plasma, red and white corpuscles and platelets

The stomach is …
1) a part of a human body with specific functions
2) one of a pair of breathing organs in the chest
3) a dilated portion of the alimentary canal where food is broken down for use of the body
4) a long tube of the alimentary tract which takes waste

The spinal cord is responsible for …
1) memory and speech
2) the flow of blood in the right direction
3) body metabolism
4) muscular contractions, movements

Polio, meningitis, encephalitis, schizophrenia, epilepsy are diseases of the … system.
1) immune 2) nervous 3) endocrine 4) cardiovascular

The principal job of … is the removal of urea and the regulation of water in the bloodstream.
1) kidneys 2) urethra 3) ureter 4) urinary bladder
Делай что должен, и будь что будет.


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Grammar and vocabulary test + COMPUTER TEST, 2nd YEAR (с ответами!) 2011
« Ответ #1 : Октября 30, 2011, 18:15:33 »
гдеж ты был когда мы тебя сдавали)


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Grammar and vocabulary test + COMPUTER TEST, 2nd YEAR (с ответами!) 2011
« Ответ #2 : Октября 30, 2011, 18:28:03 »
гдеж ты был когда мы тебя сдавали)
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Делай что должен, и будь что будет.


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скажите, пожалуйста, а такие тесты в этом году или они изменены?


  • Гость
не понимаю, начиная с комп. теста ответы нормальные куда-то исчезли....мини точечки еле заметные это они? или обман зрения? :D


  • Гость
В этом году такие же тесты?? Кто-нибудь в курсе?