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Сообщество студентов Кировской ГМА

Января 13, 2025, 02:48:32

Автор Тема: KIROV REGIONAL TEACHING HOSPITAL  (Прочитано 24228 раз)


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    • Сообщество студентов Кировской ГМА
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« : Октября 29, 2011, 15:40:32 »
Kirov Regional Teaching Hospital (to found)   230 years ago. It (to ad¬
mit)   all types of medical and surgical cases. The hospital (to concern¬
trate)   on patients with acute illness. This 1000-bed hospital to have)    an organized medical staff, a professional nursing staff, and diagnostic equipment. It (to equip)   with up-to-date diagnostic and treatment facilities. It also (to include)              a pharmacy, several laboratories, X-ray and physical therapy departments, operating rooms, recovery rooms, an outpatient de¬
partment, and an emergency department. There (to be)   dental services, a department
of renal dialysis, equipment for inhalation therapy, and three intensive-care units, a volunteer-
services department, and, possibly, a home-care program. Over 1000 patients (to treat)
   at any given time. Patients (to refer)   to the hospi¬
tal   from   39   districts   of   Kirov   region.   The   complexity   of   the   hospital   (to   reflect)   the advances made after World War II, including the use of antibiotics, a vast new array of laboratory proce-dures, new surgical techniques, new materials and equipment for radiation therapy, and an increased empha-sis on physical therapy and rehabilitation. The le¬gally constituted governing officer of the hospital is Chief Physician. He (to have)   full responsibili-ty for the conduct and efficient management of the hospital. The Chief Physician (to establish)   policy,   (to   appoint)   a   medical staff and department administrators. He (to exercise)   control over ex¬
penditures and (to have)   the responsi-bility for maintaining professional standards. The Chief Physician (to be)_         the chief execu-tive officer of the hospital and (to be)   responsible to the Health Department of Kirov Region. For many years, Associate Professor Vladimir Biteev (to run)   the hospital. Each department of the hospital (to control)   by a department head. Last week several department    chiefs     (to     have)             to     retire.     They     (to     substitute)    by the younger doctors. The largest division in the hospital (to be)    nursing. It (to follow)   by the dietary department and house¬ keeping. Other departments that are important to the functioning of the hospital (to in¬clude)   laundry, engi-neering, stores, purchasing, accounting, pharmacy, physical therapy, social service, pathology, X-ray, and medical records. The medical staff (to organize)   into such de-partments as surgery, medicine, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, nephrology, cardiology, oph-thalmology, cardiosurgery, and gynecology. Up-to-date technologies (to use)     in cardiosur-gery, neurosurgery, opthalmology and gynecology departments. The chiefs of the medical-staff de¬
partments     (to     make     up)       the     medical   advisory     board.     It     (to hold)   weekly meet-ings on medical-administrative matters and clinical practice. The professional work of the in-dividual staff members (to re¬view)      by   medical-staff   committees.   The   committees   (to   report)    to the medical advisory board. For many years, the hospitals (to have) _a formal role as a teaching institution. Kirov Re-gional Teaching Hospital (to affiliate) _      with under-graduate and postgraduate medical education at Kirov State Medical Academy. It (to provide)   up-to-date and often specialized therapeutic measures and facilities unavailable elsewhere in Kirov region. The hospital (to house)     KSMA's departments of internal medicine, neurology, surgery, and otorhinolaryn-gology. All the departments of the Futher professional Development Faculty (to locate)   in the hospital. Over 100 internship and residency doctors (to instruct)   by the most ex-perienced clinical supervisors. For over 10 years the hospital (to develop)   contacts with leading health insti¬tutions of the USA, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries. The most experience physi¬cians and surgeons (to invite)   to participate in long-term training courses abroad. They (to supervise)   often   by recognized for¬eign clinicians and surgeons.
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