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Автор Тема: REQUIREMENTS TO THE EXAM IN ENGLISH  (Прочитано 21512 раз)


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« : Октября 29, 2011, 15:26:00 »

1.   Use the most appropriate tense- and voice forms. Open the brackets.
I (to study) _________________ at Kirov State Medical Academy. I (to graduate) __________ from school specializing in foreign languages. 

2.   Use articles where necessary.

I am ___ student of ____ Kirov State Medical Academy. I live in ___ city of ___ Kirov.

3.   Use the most appropriate preposition where necessary.

I entered ____ Kirov State Medical Academy on ____ 1st of ____ September 2007. I was admitted _____ the Internal Medicine Faculty. The academy is located ____ Karl Marx Street. It consists ____ 7 faculties. It includes ____ over 40 educational departments.

4.   Use the most appropriate modal verb.

I _____ study English because I think it is necessary for a well educated doctor.
I _________ to study English because a lot of foreign physicians and medical students come to my medical school.
I ________ to study English according to the regulations of the Health Ministry and Ministry of Education.
I _____ read and translate English texts but I _______ not speak English fluently.

5.   Use the most appropriate form of the degrees of comparison.

English is ___ (easy) ______________ subject. Anatomy is _________ (difficult) subject. Latin is (difficult) __________________ than English. English is (easy) _____________ than Latin.   

1.   Translate from English into Russian
2.   Give the most appropriate synonyms.


Answer the following questions

What are the most common symptoms of MI? The most common symptoms of MI include: A – constipation; B – mid chest pains radiating to the left arm or lower jaw. C – diarrhea; D – sweats; E- shortness of breath while lying flat; F – tightness in the chest; G- upper abdominal pains radiating to the back.


Watch a video film about Southeast Alabama Medical Center and answer the following questions.
Where is the Southeast Alabama Medical Center located? A- in Georgia; B – in Florida; C- in the southeast corner of Alabama.



1.   Read and translate the following text for patients

2.   Translate the following text from the book “Complete Guide of Prescription and Non-Prescription Drugs”

•   Basic information. Habit forming? No. Prescription needed? No (Yes). Available as generic? Yes (No).
•   Drug class
•   Dosage and usage information.
•   How to take
•   Possible adverse reactions and side effects. Life-threatening symptoms. Common symptoms. Infrequent symptoms.
•   Warnings and precautions
•   Interactions with other drugs
•   Interactions with other substances: alcohol, milk, beverages, marijuana, tobacco.

3.   Translate the following questions to the patient

Как Вас зовут? 2.Когда Вы родились? Дата Вашего рождения? 3. Где Вы живете ? Ваш адрес? 4. Вы женаты (замужем)? 5.Как давно Вы женаты (замужем)?  6. Вы живете отдельно от супруга (супруги)? 7. Как давно Вы живете отдельно? 8. Вы разведены? 9. Как давно Вы разведены? 10. Вы вдовец (вдова)? Как давно? 11. Вы холостой (не замужем)? 12. Какое у Вас образование? 13. Где Вы учитесь (работаете)? 14. Ваш домашний (служебный) номер телефона?  15. Где Вы работаете? 16. Ваша профессия ? Чем Вы занимаетесь ? 17. Как здоровье Ваших родителей? 18. Были ли у Ваших родителей какие-либо серьезные заболевания? 19. Как здоровье Вашего супруга (Вашей супруги)? 20. Какими серьезными заболеваниями болели(болеют) Ваши родственники по материнской (отцовской) линии ? 21. Вам никогда не отказывали в страховании жизни, военной службе, приеме на работа из-за состояния Вашего здоровья ? 22. Вас когда-нибудь госпитализировали по поводу какого-либо серьезного заболевания или хирургической операции? 23.По поводу какого заболевания Вас госпитализировали? Cколько раз Вас госпитализировали? Когда была Ваша первая госпитализация? 24. В какой клинике Вас госпитализировали ? 25. Где расположена эта клиника ? 26. Какие анализы и тесты Вам делали в последнее время? 27. Принимаете ли Вы какие-либо лекарственные препараты в настоящее время? 28. Бывают ли у Вас аллергические реакции к лекарствам? 29. К каким препаратам Вы чувствительны?

4. Topics for discussion

1. Kirov State Medical Academy (foundation, faculties, entrance exams, pre-clinical and clinical subjects, rector, etc.).
2. Medical education in Russia (pre-medical education, six-year full time medical education, pre-clinical and clinical subjects, tests and exams, medical practice, final exams, internship, residency courses, post-graduate research courses, development courses).
3. Medical education in the USA, Germany and other foreign countries.
4. Health care in Russia (major indicators of the WHO).
5.Health care in Kirov  region.
6. Health care in foreign countries (the USA, Germany, the UK, Japan). 
7. About myself (DOB, address, occupation, parents, favourite school subjects, favourite higher school disciplines, working days, hobbies, etc.).
8. Outstanding doctors of Kirov region (Academician Bekhterev, Academician Bakulev, Academician Zhuravlev).
9. Anatomy and physiology of the muscular and bone systems, diseases of the muscular and bone systems (additional materials : Professor Nemtsov’s studies on RA).
10. Anatomy and physiology of the heart system. Diseases of the heart
11. Blood and blood diseases (additional materials : investigations of Kirov Research Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion).
12. Anatomy and physiology of the vascular system, diseases of the vascular system (DVT, atherosclerosis).
13. Anatomy and physiology of the digestive system, GI diseases.
14. Anatomy and physiology of the liver, hepatic diseases (additional materials: Professor Zhuravlev’s studies on large and super-large resections of the liver, diagnosis and treatment for focal liver diseases).
15. Anatomy and physiology of the gallbladder, gallbladder diseases.
16. Anatomy and physiology of the endocrine system (hyperthyroidism, type 1 and type 2 diabetes).
17. Anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, diseases of the nervous system (stroke, TIA, meningitis, encephalitis, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy).
18. Anatomy and physiology of the urinary system, diseases of the urinary system.
19. Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, respiratory diseases.
20. Anatomy and physiology of the skin. Skin diseases.
21. Anatomy and physiology of the eye. Eye diseases.
22. Anatomy and physiology of the ear, nose and throat diseases. 
23. Microorganisms, bacterial and viral diseases.
24. Tobacco.
25. Alcohol.
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