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Автор Тема: Health in the Russian Federation  (Прочитано 18937 раз)


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Health in the Russian Federation
« : Июня 20, 2011, 14:59:49 »
Health in the Russian Federation
The population of Russia is 141.7 mln people.
As of 2008, the average life expectancy in Russia is 61.5 years for males and 73.9 years for females.
According to some other sources the average life expectancy for men in Russia is about 57.
The biggest factors contributing to this relatively/ low life expectancy for males are alcohol poisoning,
stress, smoking, traffic accidents, violent crime.
The average Russian life expectancy of 67.7 years at birth is 10.8 years shorter than in the European Union.
The birth rate is 9.6 births per 1000 population.
The death rate is 15.2 deaths per 1000 population.
The natural growth rate (natural increase) is - 4.9 per 1000 population (- 0.49%).
The infant mortality rate is 16.4 per 1000 live births.
Maternal mortality rate is 44.0 per 100 000 live births.
The main causes of death are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, cerebrovascular disorders, accidents, injuries, and poisoning, diseases of the respiratory system, diabetes, infectious and parasitic diseases, diseases of the digestive system.
The main causes of disability are cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diseases of the nervous system and sense organs, accidents, mental disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissues, diseases of the respiratory system, TB. endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus), diseases of the digestive system.
Heart diseases account for 56.7% of total deaths. About 16 million Russians suffer from cardiovascular diseases. About 1.3 million people die of cardiovascular diseases annually in Russia.
Death rates srom homicide suicide and cancer are aiso especiaily high. 52% of men and 15% of women
smoke. More than 260,000 lives are lost each year as a result of tobacco use.
There are about 119,000 people with tuberculosis, a disease that often accompanies HIV. in Russia. TB cases in Russia have doubled in the last 15 years, though the situation has recently "stabilized" somewhat. Statistics show that today there are 83 TB cases per 100,000 people, whereas the figures for Western Europe amount to 7-10 cases. About 26,000 people died from tuberculosis in Russia in 2007. - Alcohol consumption is 14.5 liters of pure alcohol per person per year.
The main types of health care institutions are federal medical centers, interregional medical centers, regional hospitals, rural hospitals, district hospitals, city and town hospitals, teaching hospitals, inpatient hospitals, outpatient department and hospitals, same day centers, rehabilitation centers, oncology hospitals, TB hospitals, traumatology hospitals, children's hospitals, perinatal centers, cardiosurgery hospitals, neurosurgery hospitals, mental hospitals, infectious diseases hospitals, etc.
The Health and Social Development Ministry is responsible for health care in Russia.
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