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« : Октября 29, 2011, 18:51:31 »
•   Health indicators of the World Health Organization: Total health expenditure  per capita; life expectancy at birth; healthy life expectancy at birth; death rate; mortality rate; infant death rate; maternity death rate; birth rate; natural increase; morbidity rate; fertility rate; incidence of alcoholism; incidence of drug abuse; incidence of suicides; top causes of death.
•   Top causes of death: circulatory diseases, cancer, stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases, COPD, pneumonia and flu, accidents, diabetes, AIDS, suicides, homicides.
•   Areas of medicine: neurology, psychology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, stomatology, gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmonology, hepatology, nephrology, endocrinology, urology, andrology, gynecology, obstetrics, proctology, traumatology, emergency medicine, oncology, TB, surgery, pediatric surgery, neurosurgery, cardiosurgery, laparoscopic surgery, endosurgery, rheumatology, transfusiology, hematology, immunology, orthopedics, pediatrics, neonatology, infectious diseas-es, pediatric infectious diseases, epidemiology, dermatology, microbiology, gerontology, geriatrics, anesthesiology, physiology, toxicology, general hygiene, public health, management of health care institutions, etc.
•   Staff: medical staff, medical personnel, senior medical personnel, junior medical personnel.
•   Physicians: Aerospace Medicine Specialists study the health, safety, and performance of persons involved in air and space travel. Andrologists diagnose and treat disorders of the male reproductive system. Cardiologists practise Cardiology, a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Dermatologists study the skin, its structure, functions, and diseases, as well as its appendages (nails, hair, sweat glands). Endocrinologists study disorders of the endocrine system and its specific secretions called hormones. Gastroenterologists study diseases of digestive system. Gynecologists study diseases of the female reproductive system. Hematologists study blood and its diseases. Immunologists study all aspects of the immune system in all organisms. Internists focus on adult medicine and have had special study and training focusing on the prevention and treatment of adult diseases. Microbiologists study causes, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Neurologists study the nervous system and its disorders. Neurosurgeons treat central and peripheral nervous system diseases which are amenable to mechanical intervention. Oncologists study the treatment of cancer. Ophthalmologists study the eye and eye surgery. Optometrists study eye and its diseases. Otolaryngologists or ENT specialists treat the ear, the nose and the throat as well as the head and the neck. Parasitologists study parasites, their biology and pathology, as well as parasitic diseases. Pathologists study the abnormalities of living organisms. Paleopathologists study ancient diseases. Pediatricians study the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. Physiatrists study and treat the function and rehabilitation of patients. Podiatrists study and treat disorders of the foot and ankle. Psychiatrists specialize in psychiatry, the branch of medicine that studies, diagnoses and treats mental illness and behavioral disorders. Radiologists study the medical use of X-rays or other imaging technologies to diagnose or treat disease. Urologists study the urinary system and its diseases.
•   Medical occupations: Anaesthetic Technician, Certified Nursing Assistant, Child life specialist, Consultant pharmacist, Dental hygienist, Dental technician, Dietitian, ECG technician, Emergency medical technician, Emergency physician, Feldsher, Licensed Practical Nurse, Medical Assistant (MA), Nurse practitioner, Occupational therapist, Optician, Paramedic, Patient Care Technician, Perfusionist, Pharmacist, Phlebotomist, Physician, Physician assistant, Radiation therapist, Registered nurse, Surgical technologist...
•   Instrumental evaluation: endoscopy, laparoscopy, bronchoscopy, gastroscopy, proctoscopy; chest X-ray, lung X-ray, abdomen X-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging); ultra-sound (sonography); CT (computer tomography); ECG (electrocardiography); EEG (electroencephalography); echocardiography, drop-by-drop machine, monitoring, screening, close medical examination, close medical follow-up; to follow up patients.
•   Tests: studies, investigations: common blood counts, blood chemistry, blood culture, iron levels; kidney profile, liver profile, adrenal gland profile, cardiac enzymes, coagulation profile, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, arterial blood gas analysis; blood tests for hepatitis B and C; blood culture; sputum culture; stool tests, urinalysis …
•   Treatment: therapy, treatment modality, management of the disease; mainstay of therapy; treatment course, etc.
•   Methods of treatment: pharmacotherapy (drug therapy); herbal therapy (phytotherapy); hemotherapy, autohemotherapy; vitamin therapy; balneotherapy (the treatment of diseases by baths); apiotherapy (treatment with bee venom [‘venem]); climate therapy; hydrotherapy; thermotherapy (treatment of diseases by application of heat); cryotherapy (the therapeutic use of cold); electrotherapy (treatment of disease by means of electricity); phototherapy (treatment of diseases by exposure to light); heliotherapy (the therapeutic use of the sun bath); oxygen therapy; radiation therapy; chemotherapy; acupuncture; hypnosis; psychotherapy; labor therapy; to remove; to extract; removal, extraction;…ectomy […’ectemi]: ga-strectomy, appendectomy, tonsilectomy; splenectomy, cholecystec-tomy, prostatectomy; etc; incision:…otomy: lapaotomy, gastrotomy. etc. transurethral resection (TUR); hepatic resections; resection of the stomach, gastric resection; lung resection…
•   Pharmaceutical forms: tablets; pills, ointment; nasal drops; eye drops; plaster; to apply plasters to the skin; liniment; powder, etc.
•   To be ill: to be ill, to be sick,  to feel unwell; to fall (fell, fallen) ill;  to affect smb.; to be affected by; to suffer from…
•   Medical institutions: hospital, clinic, health center, inpatient clinic, outpatient clinic, same day center; rehabilitation center; teaching hospital; to send (sent, sent) patients to the hospital; to refer patients to the hospital… Children's hospitals, field hospital (is a large mobile medical unit that temporarily takes care of casualties on-site before they can be safely), for-profit hospital, non-profit hospital, public hospital, Sanatorium (a medical facility for long-term illness, typically tuberculosis), trauma center, mental hospital, a cottage hospital (a small rural hospital having up to 25 beds). Teaching  hospitals provide medical training).
•   Hospitalization: to be hospitalized, to require hospitalization, to require admission to the hospital; to admit patients; on admission to the hospital; to discharge patients from the hospital…
•   Patients: female patients; male patients; inpatients; outpatients; chronically bedridden patients, chronically wheelchair bound patients, immunocompromised patients; patients with diminished immunity…
•   Medical problems: encephalitis […aitis], meningitis, poliomyelitis, encephalomyelitis, spondylitis, stomatitis, glossitis, tonsilitis, otitis, ophthalmitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, gastritis, enteritis, gastroenteritis, myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pleuritis, pneumonia, duodenitis, colitis, proctitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cystitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis, splenitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis; phlebitis; dermatitis, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.; encephalopathy, cardiopathy, nephropathy, myopathy, gastropathy, enteropathy, etc.; kidney stones (nephrolithiasis), gall stones (cholelithiasis); malignant diseases: esophagus cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), breast cancer; bladder cancer, rectal cancer, colorectal cancer, throat cancer; myeloma; hepatoma, carcinoma;benign [bi’nain] tumors;  malignant tumors, etc.; ulcers (gastric ulcers; duodenal ulcers; peptic ulcer disease, defects: congenital heart defects; myocardial infarction (heart attack); valvular heart disease; dermatomycosis; enteromycosis; stomatomycosis; sclerosis, myosclerosis, nephrosclerosis; encephalomalacia tracheobronchomalacia; gastroptosis, hepatoptosis, nephroptosis, coloptosis, splenoptosis, etc.
•   Diseases: disease, disorder, ailment, malady, medical condition: severe disease, serious disease, dangerous disease, irreversible disease, reversible disease; non-curable disease, untreated disease; hereditary disease; congenital disease; chronic disease; underlying disease, pre-existing disease; non-serious disease; fatal disease; a self-limiting disease; a mild disease; a moderate form of the disease...
•   Causes: causes of, reasons for; a leading cause of death; a leading cause of the disease; a causative agent…
•   to result in, to lead to, to cause, to trigger, to be responsible for; to result from, to be caused by, to be triggered by, to be secondary to, to occur as the result of, to be attributable to; to be the result of…
•   Risks: risk factors, influential factors, contributing factors; risk groups, risk situations of (for);  to be at risk for; to be at high risk for; to be at higher risk for; to be predisposed to diseases; erosions;  circular erosions…
•   Exposure to; to be exposed to radiation; to be exposed to chemicals and irritants (coal dust, asbestos, silica);
•   To irritate, to annoy; irritation of the skin; irritation of the inner lining…
•   Extent: extent of the disease; to a great extent; to some extent;
•   Cases: in most cases; in the majority of cases; in few cases; in some li-mited cases; in questionable cases, in advanced cases; in severe cases;
•   Symptoms: signs, manifestations, features, peculiarities; evidence for; evident symptoms; obvious symptoms; life-threatening symptoms, common symptoms, infrequent symptoms, rare symptoms; to reverse (to lessen) symptoms; to worsen the symptoms; to exacerbate the symptoms; symptoms similar to…; symptoms akin to…
•   Hemmorhages bleedings;
•   Obstruction (blockage);
•   Perforation (penetration of ulcers through the walls of the stomach or duodenum)…
•   Sweating and swelling: night sweats, sudden sweats; edema, swelling; leg swellings, abdominal swellings;
•   Pains: pain, ache, toothache, stomachache, backache, earache, headache; pains in…; pains radiating to the left arm and lower jaw; dull pains, acute pains, sharp pains; burning pains, stinging pains; mild pains, pains behind the breast bone, mid-chest pains; sub-sternal pains; defuse pains; well-localized pains; intractable pains; tenderness; tenderness to palpation; tightness, chest tightness;
•   Shortness of breath: shortness of breath upon exertion (shortness of breath while lying flat, shortness of breath at rest; shortness of breath while walking up, while walking upstairs), wakening in the middle of the night short of breath;
•   Dizziness and faintness: dizziness, lightheadedness; faintness, fainting; to faint; to feel faint; to lose (lost, lost) consciousness; to be unconscious; unconsciousness;
•   Paleness: pallor, paleness, pale complexion; no blood vessels in the whites of the eyes; no clearly defined lines on the palms; to be as white as paper; to be as pale as a ghost;
•   Redness:  redness, rash, itching, burning of the skin; to bruise easily; easy bruising; cyanosis (bluish coloration);
•   Weakness and tiredness: to feel (felt, felt) weakness; tiredness, malaise, fatigue,
•   stomach discomfort, bowel discomfort;
•   Fever: high fever, low fever, low grade fever; fever control; to control fever; to use aspirin for fever control;
•   Cough: a green and yellow cough, a dry cough, a productive cough; coughing spells (attacks); wheeze; a musical wheeze; wheezing; sudden onset of wheezing; rales; crepitations; 
•   Sneezing and rhinitis: to sneeze; sneezing spells; a running nose; a runny nose; profuse mucus discharge;
•   Heart beat problems: heartbeat; irregular heartbeat; arrhythmia; palpitations; atrial fibrillation; heartburn; heartbeat; pulse; rapid, quick, accelerated heartbeat (pulse); tachycardia; bradycardia;
•   HBP: high/increased: high blood pressure; hypertension; borderline hypertension; mild hypertension; moderate hypertension; sever hypertension; systolic hypertension; diastolic hypertension; increased blood pressure; high cholesterol; increased cholesterol; high blood sugar, increased blood sugar;
•   Abuse: alcohol abuse, tobacco abuse, drug abuse; intoxication: alcohol intoxication, lead [led] intoxication; poisoning; arsenic poisoning; food poisoning, diarrhea caused by food poisoning;
•   To trouble:  to trouble, to disturb, to bother; to be troubled (to be bo-thered, to be disturbed) by;
•   Obesity: obese people, overweight people, heavy people; fat people, stout people;
•   To evaluate: to assess, to estimate; to examine; evaluation, assessment, estimation; examination; to assess the value of the property at $10 000, to assess taxes; to assess the situation;
•   To reveal: to detect, to discover; detection, early detection; to elicit[ i’lisit] risk factors; to reverse symptoms, to lessen symptoms; to improve symptoms;
•   To decrease: to de’crease, ‘decrease; to reduce, reduction; to in’crease; ‘increase
•   To diagnose: to make a diagnosis, to make a definitive diagnosis;
•   To exclude: to rule out, to exclude, to omit the possibility of,to eliminate the possibility of; to require ( need) (requirements to);
•   To treat: to heal, to cure, to recover; treatment, healing, cure, recovery; full recovery;
•   Care: immediate care (help), emergency care (help); first aid help; am-bulance;
•   adequate, proper; inadequate, improper (treatment, management);
•   To spread: to spread to; to radiate to; to radiate to the left arm and lower jaw; to radiate to the back;
•   Previous disease: prior; previous MI, prior MI; underlying disease;
•   To accomplish: to achieve; accomplishment, achievement;
•   To impair: to damage, to destruct; impairment, damage, destruction;
•   Loss: blood loss, weight loss, appetite loss; weight gain; to lose (lost, lost) blood (weight, appetite); to gain weight;
•   to be confused with; to be mixed up with;
•   To administer: to administer treatment (medications), to advise, to recommend, to prescribe; to place patients on medications;
•   Medicines: medications, remedies, drugs; analgesics, sedatives, antibiotics, pain killers, pain relievers, pain medications; prescription and non-prescription drugs (over the counter medications); medications available at a local pharmacy (drug store); to be allergic (to be sensitive)  to medications;
•   Side effects: unwanted drug side effects, adverse reactions; to warn; warnings; precautions;
•   To be responsive to treatment, to be unresponsive to treatment; to respond to treatment;
•   To be effective, to have effects on; to have no effects on;
•   To help: to aid, to help, to assist; aid, help assistance;  helpful, useful, beneficial;
•   To use: to use, to utilize, to employ, to apply; to justify the risk to an unborn child;
•   To be different from, to differ from (to be distinguishable from, to be indistinguishable from);
•   To depend on, to be dependent on; to be based on; to depend on the extent of the disease; to depend on the severity of the disease; to check up, to control; check-up, control of; to follow up; to be followed up;
•   To follow a diet, to keep to a diet, to observe a diet, to eat a diet, to adhere to a diet, to have a diet (low in fats and cholesterol, low in dietary  sodium, low in saturated fats);
•   To encourage, to stimulate, to inspire healthy lifestyle (to discourage smoking);
•   findings, results, outcomes; long-term outcomes;
•   Death rate: mortality rate, mortality, maternity death rate, infant death rate; birth rate; cure rate; morbidity rate;
•   Survival: survival rate, survivorship, long-term survival; 1-year (5-year, 10-year) survival rate;
•   In rare circumstances; in rare conditions; in favorable (unfavorable) conditions;
•   Interactions:  with other drugs, interactions with other substances; indications; contra-indications;
•   To eradicate, to root out; eradication of the disease.
•   To predict, to make prognoses; predictions;
•   Prevention: self-help, home care;
•   To include, to involve, to consist of, to be composed of, to contain;
•   Avoidance:  to avoid, avoidance of smoking, alcohol, unhealthy foods, sedentary life style; avoid, give up, keep off, quit smoking (alcohol);
•   Adverbs: often, frequently; occasionally, from time to time, seldom, rarely; significantly; substantially; approximately, predominantly; evidently, obviously; primarily; secondarily;
•   To remember; to memorize; to remind; to recall;
•   Personal characteristics: clever, smart, intelligent, wise; competent; knowledgeable; easy-going; flexible; hard-working; industrious; creative; responsible; trust-worthy; reliable; a self-starter; an achiever; a trail-blazer; a good mixer…
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