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Сообщество студентов Кировской ГМА

Марта 13, 2025, 20:46:54

Автор Тема: Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev  (Прочитано 18455 раз)


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Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev
« : Июня 21, 2011, 14:27:35 »
Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev
- Who (to be) ____the most outstanding doctors of Vyatka Land?
-  The most outstanding, recognizer prominent, famous doctors of
Vyatka Land (to be)_____Academician Bekhterev, Academician
Bakulev and Academician Zhuravlev.                                             
- What___Academician Bekhterev (to be) famous for?
- Academician Bekhterev (to be)______a well-known Russian neu-
rophysiologist and psychiatrist. Academician Bekhterev (to study)
_____________ the formations of the brain and (to investigate)
_________ conditioned reflexes.
- Where and when____he (to be born)____________?
- He (to be)_______born in the village of Soraly, Elabuga District,
.Vyatka province on the 1st of February 1857. He (to study)________
 at Vyatka gymnasium. He (to graduate) _______from the Gymna sium with honors.
 -Where____he (to study)__________medicine?                                                                 
-  Bekhterev (to receive)________________p a doctorate ['doktrit] from the Medical-Surgical
Academy of St. Petersburg in 1881 and then (to study)_______                abroad in Berlin,
Leipzig, Vienna [vi'cne] and Paris.
- What____the main steps of his medical and scientific career (to be) ?
-  He (to return)______________to Russia in 1885 and (to become)_____________professor
of   psychiatric   diseases   at   the   University   of  Kazan.   In   Kazan,   he   (to   establish)
i__________________the first laboratory of experimental psychology in Russia. He (to become) ____________professor of psychiatry at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg
  in 1893. He (to found) ____________a psychoneurological institute there in 1907. He (to
  chair)____________the department of psychology and reflexology at the University of Petro-
grad from 1918 until his death.
- What __ his most outstanding achievements?
-  He (to be) ________a competitor of Ivan Pavlov. Bekhterev Independently (to develop)
________________a theory of conditioned reflexes. He (to study)___________ both inherited
and acquired reflexes in the laboratory. Bekhterev's most lasting work (to be) ______his research on brain morphology and his original description of several nervous symptoms and illnesses. He (to discover)________________the superior vestibular nucleus, as well as several
other previously unknown brain formations. He also (to describe)___________ numbness of
 the spine (Bckhterev's disease) and new forms of spondylitis and other diseases.
- What ____Academician Bekhterevs significant scientific works (to be)?                                 
-  Acedcmician Bekhterev (to found)_________     the Nevrologichesky Vestnik ("Neurology
Journal"), the first Russian journal on nervous diseases, in 1896. Among his more significant
writings (to be)_____Conduction Paths in the Brain and Spinal Cord  and Objective Psychology. Academician Bekhterev was elected Chairman of the Russian Society of Normal and Pathological Psychology.
- When____he (to die)_________; ?
-  He died in 1927, after an interview with Stalin. Academician Bckhterev's granddaughter Natalya Bckhtcrcva (1924-2008) founded the Human Brain Institute in Leningrad. The museum of Academician Bekhterev is located at the Psychiatry Department of Kirov State Medical Academy. The Psychiatry Department is situated at Kirov Regional Teaching Psychiatry Hospital named after Academician Bekhterev.
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