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Kirov and Kirov region
« : Июня 20, 2011, 14:15:49 »
Kirov and Kirov region
What is the total land area of Kirov region (to be)?
The total land area of Kirov region (to be) is    120,800 sq. km. (46, 641 sq.mi.). 1 % of the country's
total land area, the 27th place in Russia.
What is  the comparative area of Kirov region (to be)?
Kirov region (to be) is slightly larger than the Netherlands (40,893 sq. km), Switzerland (41,288 sq.
km), Belgium (30,518 sq. km) and Luxemburg (2,586 sq. km) put together. Kirov region (to be)
is almost three times the size of Denmark, almost three times the size of the Netherlands, almost four
times the size of Austria, over 3 times the size of South Korea.
Kirov region (to be) 0.9 the size of Alabama (51,705 sq.mi.), 0.8 the size of Florida, 1.3 times the size of
Ohio, 6 times the size of New Jersey, slighty larger than Pennsylvania.                                                 
Where is Kirov region (to locate) located? Kirov region (to locate   896 km northeast of
Moscow. The region (to stretch)_________     from North to South for 570 km.Kirov region (to
stretch)_________________  from West to East for 440 km.
How long____it (to take) ________   me to get from Moscow to Kirov?
It (to take) _______  you 14 hours by train, 2 hours by jet, and 11 hours by car to get from Moscow
to Kirov. Kirov (to be) ______   a hub of railway transportation.
What is   Kirov region's borderline (to be)? Kirov region's borderline (to be)___  3,500 km.
What regions____ Kirov region's neighbors (to be) ?
Kirov region (to have)____ 9 neighbors. They (to be) ____ the Republic of Komi, the Republic of
Mary El, the Republic of Udmurtia, the Republic of Tatarstan, (the) Permsky Krai, Nizny Novgorod
region (Oblast), Kostroma region, Arkhangelsk region, and Vologrda region.
What  is   the local divisions of Kirov region (to include)   include     ?
The local divisions of Kirov region (to include) _______ 39 districts, 18 district towns, about 60 town-like settlements and about 4,500 villages. What  ___    the topography of Kirov region (to be)? The major portion of Kirov region (to be) __ low
plain, grassy in the South and wooded in the North. 64 % of the region (to cover)     __________with
forested land.
What  fs    the population of Kirov region (to be)? The population (to be) ___    about 1.5 mln people.
What  __  the population density? The population density (to be)   is    12.8 persons per sq. km.
What ___   the population of Kirov (to be)? The population of the capital of Kirov region (to be)____
about 450,000 people.                                                                                     
What ____ the major industries (to be)? The major industries (to include) ____ machinery, timber
and paper, electronics, appliances, washing machines, automobile f*o:temebi:l] tires, chemicals, fertilizers,
alcoholic beverages, food processing, textiles and clothing.
What are the chief agriculture crops (to be)? The chief agricultural crops (to include)    _______
grains: rye, wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat, beans and peas, flax, potatoes, and vegetables.
What ___  the lifestock (to include) _______ ? The livestock (to include)   ______.        cattle.
pigs, sheep and goats, horses, and poultry. The agricultural production also (to include)  ______ milk.
eggs, wool, and honey.
What_____ the noteworthy places (to be) in Kirov region? The noteworthy places of Kirov region (to be) ____ the Vasnetsov Brothers Art, "the Vasnetsov Brothers' Circle", the "Prykaznaya Izba" museum, the "Kunstkamera" museum (art chamber): the Kotelnich Paleontology Museum, local history museums, churches and cathedrals in the towns of Slobodskoy, Urzhum, Yaransk, Kotelnich and Nolinsk, the Regional Scientific Library named after A. I. Herzen, the museum of ancient Russian books and manuscripts; the museum of foreign books of the 16th-19th centuries, the Kirov Drama Theater, the Kirov Theater for Young Spectators on Spasskaya Street, the Kirov Puppet Theater, the Concert Hall of Organ Music (St. Alexander's Roman Catholic Cathedral), the Concert Hall of Kirov Performing Arts School, the Concert Hall of Kirov Philharmonic Society, the Concert Hall of the "Rodina" Palace of Culture, the "Avitek" Palace of Culture, the "Coliseum" entertainment center, and the "Pobeda" entertainment center. Why ___ the region (to call) ____ Kirov? The capital of the region and the region (to name) ______ after Sergey Kirov, the great Russian politician and public figure.
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